More speakers taking part in the Mission of a Generation campus speaking tour below. ELAINE BROWER is the mother of a Marine recently returned from Fallujah. She is an activist against the…
Category: Youth and Students
UC Santa Barbara Plans Student Strike Feb, 15 to Protest War
Students at University of California – Santa Barbara are planning for a student strike in protest of the war on February 15 (the 4th anniversary of the 2003 anti-war protests that brought…
We Fought Hate, Not Free Speech
Recently president of Columbia University, Lee Bollinger, issued an appalling letter stating the students involved with the October 4th protest will face disipline and non-students who participated in the protest will be…
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“Mission of a Generation: Stop the War Now! Drive Out the Bush Regime!” Campus Speaking Tour The World Can’t Wait is launching a speaking tour to campuses and military bases across…
About Liam Madden
Liam Madden is a Veteran of a four-year tour of service in the U.S. Marine Corps, including seven months in Iraq. After returning to the United States, Sergeant Madden seized the opportunity…
About Sunsara Taylor
“I’ve watched Sunsara Taylor stand her ground against the odious Bill O’Reilly on his show and make her points with power and eloquence. Having read some of her writings I can say…
The State of the Union is a State of an Emergency!
Tuesday, January 23rd, President Bush will stand in front of the world and push forward his ugly agenda of illegitamte war in Iraq and float out ominous threats to countries in the…
National Day of Emergency Planning Meetings-February 1st
[click here for meeting locations] World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime is calling for a National Day of Meetings on Campuses February 1st. Every generation has a mission; ours…
Campus Speaking Tour This Semester:
Mission of a Generation: Stop the War Now! Drive Out the Bush Regime! The World Can’t Wait is launching a speaking tour to campuses and military bases across the country. We are…
Tear Down The Walls in 2007
A look at the injustice of American “Justice” and a Call to Action written for by Aaron McWaters, a high school journalist in Indiana. The true picture of American justice is…