[click here for meeting locations]
World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime is calling for a National Day of Meetings on Campuses February 1st. Every generation has a mission; ours must be to drive out the Bush regime.
Read below for more information about the meetings and to find out where they are being held. If you don’t see one listed, call for one at your school and let us know the time and place.
This past month President Bush delievered a speech that announced a major increase of 21,000 troops who will be deployed into Baghdad. They will be deployed into a country that has been violently ripped apart where families have fled from death squads, war refugees are displaced throughout the Middle East and the U.S. has not let up it’s efforts to maintain it’s barbwire stranglehold over the people of Iraq. This is a defining moment that we can not allow to define our futures.
Thousands of students and youth will be descending on the nation’s capitol January 27th to demand the war end NOW. Where will this outrage go? Will it recede back into business as usual or will the momentum build?
World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime is calling for a National Day of Meetings on Campuses February 1st. Every generation has a mission; ours must be to drive out the Bush regime. The Bush regime has commited war crimes. The administration has moved forward in torturing human beings in front of the entire world, continues to supress research and efforts to curb global warming, has consciously sabotaged global AIDS programs and has allowed New Orleans to continue to rot.
If we do not impeach and drive out this regime, we will be sending a message to the world and future generations that we are accepting these crimes and immoral acts. We cannot allow the Bush agenda to set a precedent and legitimize crimes that shock our very conscience.
Call for emergency meetings on your campus as part of a national day of meetings on February 1st. Brainstorm, discuss and plan to take part in World Can’t Wait’s efforts to transform campuses into centers of resistance and flashpoints of political upheaval that shakes up the ENITRE country.
(1) Email youth_students@worldcantwait.org to let us know the time and place you are holding the meeting at your school February 1st. Many people will be looking at World Can’t Wait’s website after the Jan.27th protest and can find out about the meeting at your school if it is posted.
(2) Start the meeting by reading the World Can’t Wait Call. The Call is a profound reflection of the reality we are confronting in this moment, stamps a strong challenge for people to act in order to change the course of histroy and starkly poses “that which you will not resist and mobilize to stop, you will learn – or be forced – to accept. “
(3) Voices of consciousness and acts of resistance need to electrify and transform campuses around the country this Spring. We are living in unprecedented times that call for extraordinary resistance and a new generation that understands what this government is doing in our names.
* Bring the ” Mission of a Generation: Stop the War Now! Drive Out the Bush Regime!” — Speaking Tour to your school.
The World Can’t Wait is launching a speaking tour to campuses and military bases across the country. We are leaving immediately. This is an emergency. We are counting on everyone who knows that the arrogant escalation of the Bush war is a turning point– and how we respond will impact the whole world, one way or another, for years to come.
Liam Madden, a 22-year-old Marine Corps Sgt and co-founder of the Appeal for Redress, and Sunsara Taylor, World Can’t Wait advisory board member who has spoken at over 30 campuses and debated Bill O’Reilly, are available to speak at your campus! Contact us immediately at speakingtour@worldcantwait.org.
* “The Bush Agenda. Understanding It. Stopping It” Teach-Ins.
Be part of the 100 schools that are holding teach-ins that indicts this administration and brings students to deeply understand the reality that we still confront after the recent elections. From law professors discussing torture to all day Teach-Ins that force a campus-wide conversation over the extreme nature of the Bush Agenda, start planning for one at your school today. Speakers like global warming expert Ted Glick, McGovern, former foreign service officer Anne Wright who resigned in protest of the Iraq war, and journalist Dahr Jamail are some of people available to speak. Contact us about setting up an event at your school at teachin@worldcantwait.org.
* Hold a screening of the Bush Crimes Commission DVD.
The Bush Crimes Commission presented indictments and heard testimony in five areas: illegal war, torture and detention, destruction of the global environment, assaults on global public health, and the administration’s actions during Hurricane Katrina. Based on rigorous standards and investigation, the Commission found the Bush Administration guilty of crimes against humanity. The testimony on this DVD stands as a compelling moral condemnation of this regime. The DVD features Howard Zinn, Harry Belafonte, Michael Ratner and more. Order this 2 DVD set and hold a screening(s) at your school today. Get your copy at www.bushcommission.org.
Email youth_students@worldcantwait.org to help set up an event at your school.
(4) Let us know how it went. What issues were the students concerned with? How were they looking at the escalation of the war? What were the plans that came out of the meeting? Email us at youth_students@worldcantwait.org.
Univ. of Arizona
Wednesday. Jan 31
AME 338
7 PM
Los Angeles
Thursday, February 1st, 2007
Kerckhoff Hall Coffee Shop
12noon-1pm & 6pm-7pm
contact: wcwlays@yahoo.com
U.C. Berkeley
Dwinell room 229
6:00 P.M.
Mills College
Jan. 31 (Wed.)
Café Milano (across from Sproul Plaza in Berkeley )
San Francisco
San Francisco State Univ.
T-153 3rd floor Student Center
Georgia State University
Dalton Suite in the Student Center
4:00 P.M-6:00 P.M
Lake Forest College
3:30 to 6 PM
Meyer Auditorium
Hotchkiss Hall
Columbia College
623 S. Wabash, Hokin Annex
W/ special guests Sunsara Taylor and Liam Madden
New York
New York City
1199 Union Hall
308 W. 43rd St.
6:30 P.M.
North Carolina
Tate Street Coffee House
**moved to Feb.2nd**
West Gray Cafe
415 W Gray St
Houston, TX 77019
(East of Montrose between Stanford and Taft)
7 PM
Cafe Allegro
(206) 634-2310 –
4002 University Way Ne, University District
6:00 P.M