watched Sunsara Taylor stand her ground against the odious Bill O’Reilly on his
show and make her points with power and eloquence. Having read some of her writings I can say
she speaks and writes clearly, vividly, boldly, on the critical issues of our
— Howard Zinn
You’re a lunatic…Miss Taylor, with all due respect, you’re a loon.”
— Bill O’Reilly
Click below to watch Sunsara Taylor’s recent appearances on FOX’s The O’Reilly Factor:
SUNSARA TAYLOR is a spokesperson for the generation whose mission
must be to bring the Bush regime to a halt and bring into being a far better
world. A co-founder of World Can’t
Wait — Drive Out the Bush Regime, she has traversed the country speaking
to the burning issues of our time: the Iraq war, torture, the rise of
theocracy and its assault on women, gays and science, as well as the criminal
treatment of Black people during Katrina and by police 24/7. She challenges her audiences to fight these
horrors to win and takes responsibility for showing them how.
Before the war, Sunsara helped initiate the Not In Our Name movement and
was key in leading 2,000 students in the first anti-war walk-out. Days after the Military Commissions Act
legalized torture, she produced and co-hosted an Evening of Conscience at NYC Cooper Union’s Great Hall
featuring Mark Ruffalo, Craig Murray and Olympia Dukakis. On the opening day of Congress, she entered
the Spin Zone of the O’Reilly Factor
and calmly broke down how the Iraq
war fits the Nuremberg
standards for war crimes.
Sunsara reported live from Terri Schiavo’s hospice, two Justice Sunday
events, and the 2006 siege on the last abortion clinic standing in Mississippi. Her three-part series on BattleCry
(truthdig.com, counterpunch.org, Revolution
newspaper) was the first to expose the militaristic stadium events that draw
tens of thousands of young people and the support of President Bush. At the last such spectacular, after filling
the stage with gun-toting Navy SEALS who called the youth to join “God’s
Army,” BattleCry projected Sunsara’s face on the big screen, running a
(soundless) clip from her debate with BattleCry on O’Reilly Factor.
Sunsara’s audacity stems from her determination to see a world without
the horrors of the Bush Regime and, going beyond that, without the system of
capitalism that spawned such a monstrosity.
She is dedicated to bringing into being the radically different and far
better world achievable through communist revolution as it has been
re-envisioned by Bob Avakian.
Having spoken on over 50 campuses, Sunsara has a reputation for
capturing an audience, pretty much any audience — from a massive street rally
to a forum with leading scientists to a cafeteria at a Black college.
co-hosts WBAI/Pacifica radio’s “Equal Time for Free Thought”
where as an uncompromising atheist she interviews cutting edge authors on the
dangers of the Christian right and offers commentary on the importance of
science, critical thinking and an unfettered search for the truth.
Taylor writes for Revolution
Newspaper (revcom.us), a regular contributor to CounterPunch.org,
and has written for Truthdig.com, Truthout.org, Znet.org, OnlineJournal.com,
and numerous other sites. She’s on the
Advisory Board of World Can’t Wait — Drive Out the Bush Regime.
She has appeared in the New
York Times, Amsterdam News,
on the O’Reilly Factor, CNN’s Showbiz Tonight, Hannity & Colmes, Fox & Friends, Alan Colmes Radio, Air
America, Independent Film Channel’s SoapBox,
The Black Eagle with Joe
Madison, and countless local, Pacifica, web and college radio programs.
Julian, 718-825-9119 or email sunsarasworld@yahoo.com.
Sunsara Taylor: “what people are saying
watched Sunsara Taylor stand her ground against the odious Bill O’Reilly on his
show and make her points with power and eloquence. Having read some of her writings I can say
she speaks and writes clearly, vividly, boldly, on the critical issues of our
— Howard Zinn
a lunatic…Miss Taylor, with all due respect…you’re a loon.”
Bill O’Reilly
Sunsara immediately enlivened my radical tendencies and I’ve yet to turn back.
Driven, energetic, determined, intelligent and best of all, a stellar speaker
who keeps O’Reilly in check with lines like ‘A fetus is not a baby, abortion is
not murder and women are not incubators!!’
It’s women like her that give me the strength to take on this world and
make me proud to be a woman.”
Jacquelyn Arsenuk, radical feminist radio host, “The F-Files”, WNHU
“Taylor, as always, was tough and confident
telling [O’Reilly] all the truths that drive him crazy. She noted the criminality of the war,
torture, war crimes without taking a breath to give him an opening… Taylor was rolling along,
talking over Bill’s jabs without as much as a stutter.”
— NewsHounds.us
is a Jedi Master who can control the Force to perform amazing feats. Using her words of truth like a light saber, Sunsara neutered Bill O’Reilly
when she appeared on his show.”
— Missy Comley Beattie, Gold Star
Families for Peace
Taylor is simply the perfect voice for the genuine antiwar movement in this
country, the movement that distinguishes criminal aggression from mere
‘mistakes,’ deliberate lies and disinformation from ‘intelligence flaws,’
imperialism as a system from imperialism as mere policy…She is a powerful
weapon of the movement to end the war, to thwart the moves towards an assault
on Iran, and to drive out the Bush regime.”
— Gary Leupp, Professor of History, Tufts University,
genuine antidote to the truly apathetic climate in which much of these issues
are debated, Sunsara poses an important question, a challenge, to the American
people. Substantive and level headed,
Sunsara’s approach to deconstructing the complex problems surrounding the most
heated issues being debated today leaves the listeners of her speeches with the
most profound question of all, the world is truly on fire–and what are we
going to do about it?”
Anastasia, NYU Grad Student, Communications
order for there to be a vibrant youth and student movement in this country,
there needs to be dynamic leaders who are willing to step up and let their
voices be heard. Sunsara Taylor is one
of those leaders. We had her speak in Texas and to hear Sunsara
is to be confronted by reality which can be harsh yet remain optimistic for a
better future.”
right on, Ms. Taylor!!!! you are my hero. keep telling the truth.
Sunsara, you are a communist, atheist, anti-American, left wing pig. It is pretty sad that there are only six omments from posters here and half of them express the disdain that most in this country would have for you.
Sunsara, we need your voice now more than ever. Thank you. Peace and love.
geez…little girl…you\’re a fuckin\’ moron. have you read *any* classic political literature? \”the road to serfdom\” ring a bell? or do you just sit, smoke weed, bitch about \”the man,\” and worship Janeane Garofalo. i hope you grow the penis you desperately want… lame…
I love Sunsara! What I fail to understand, however, is how she could possibly care at all… whatsoever… about the ambulatory sacks of cheap elements, wasted water and weak electronic impulses in Iraq and Afghanistan. Whether they are bombed to \\\”other arrangements\\\” or choke to death should make no odds to her. No more than if a thunderstorm dissipates. All of these people will die eventually… so what difference does it make how? The desert will continue… for a while. Their philosophies, ideologies, and religions are as much a natural consequence of what matter does left to its own devices as is their genocide. If you are truly a materialist, then you must agree that since it happens in the universe, it is utterly natural: from mass murder to toaster commercials. You forget that only entropy matters… yes? Any \\\”worth\\\” you choose to ascribe to 1 or 1,000,000 Iraqi shaped blobs of compounds and minerals most be taken in the strictest context of your worldview. Matter arranges itself and who can say what a \\\”proper\\\” catalyst for change is since EVERYTHING is natural.
So please, Sunsara, sit back and enjoy the show.
Ms. Taylor,
You continue to spread HATE wherever you go. Why did you feel the need to protest at Notre Dame today? The most powerful protester was there–the President of the United States. I suppose you felt he needed your help.
You continue to get it wrong: Women are not \\\\\\\”incubators\\\\\\\”–they are mothers-to-be. Fetuses are human beings. Abortion is murder and a crime against humanity. May the God you do not believe in soften your heart and fill it with love and that all of your blind followers.
Sunsara, I just want you to know that everything you do, every speech, action, and most of all every annoying interview with Bill O\\\’Reilly is appreciated. I\\\’ve been an admirer since I first heard of you and I continue to admire what you do. You are truly a role model for the masses, and me personally.
Howard Zinn (another moron) says she speaks with “eloquence?” The only thing this bitch knows is to shout people down,because she cannot have an intelligent debate.
Man what a hate filled bitch Sunsara is eh?
Well….it looks from the very few comments she gets here I can tell she’s got a HUGE following of…..well let me count…..6.
Keep up the good work…..you’re tearing it up. I give you credit….you people are equal opportunity haters. ar..ar..ar..ar..ar..ar
Wow. I actually agree with Bill O’Reilly for once.
Sunsara, if your ‘mission’ was to “Drive out the Bush Regime”, first, you failed, and second, you ultimately got your wish by the CAPITALIST laws that restrict presidential ruling terms. He was ultimately going out of office and you really made no difference in that whatsoever. If that’s what you wanted then why are you still talking?
Your arguments against religious beliefs just show that while studied, you have no emotional understanding of human condition. Are we really arguing that COMMUNISM and a total lack of faith is the answer to human suffering? The woman that called in to Chicago Public Radio during your visit has lived it and holds no idealism about oppressive Communist societies. The story of Jesus in a manger may be false, but you have no right to remove that from the meaningful place it holds in people’s lives. That’s the BEAUTY of this country… that lunatics like you are even allowed to sound off your very own narrow and self-centered points of view.
You are a naive and idealistic girl and I think it would be best if you live with these ideas on your own and stop preaching, as you obviously disagree with the practice.