January 23rd, President Bush will stand in front of the world and
push forward his ugly agenda of illegitamte war in Iraq and float out ominous threats
to countries in the cross hairs of the Bush regime. Millions will watch. Millions will hate it. Who will resist it?
The State of the Union is
in a state of an emergency!
millions voted in an attempt to stop the Bush regime’s wars, lies and torture,
what did we get? An announcement of 21,000 more troops bringing MORE
destruction, MORE cluster bombs, MORE gas to fuel the fires of secetarian
violence, MORE morgues overflowing with dead bodies, MORE Haditha massacres and
MORE threats of wars on more countries.
himself says, when asked on 60 Minutes if he could defy Congress:
“Yeah… they could try to stop me from doing it. But I made my decision,
and we’re going forward.”
Well we”ve
made our decision: THIS MUST STOP NOW.
January 23rd, President Bush will stand in front of the world and
push forward his ugly agenda of illegitamte war in Iraq and float out ominous threats
to countries in the cross hairs of the Bush regime. Millions will watch. Millions will hate it. Who will resist it?
That day gather people at High Schools with signs and distribute the World Can’t Wait Call as part of making plans for Wendsday.
Plan for
actions Wednesday, January 24th, especially at High schools in your
area. Escalation of the war is raising a
lot of questions among students and also bringing home the possibility of a
draft. Get together at your school to
discuss plans for the day after the State of the Union;
*Hold a discussion at school
*Distribute orange armbands for people to wear that
*Hold a speak out, a protest, be creative!
invite people over to watch the State of the Union speech January 23rd
or look for events on college campuses where students watch the State of the
Union together, talk to them about what they thought about the speech, mobilize
them to run with World Can’t Wait on January 27th.
Contact: youth_students@worldcantwait.org