The recent World Can’t Wait Youth Conference was a blast and occured a critical moment in history. Here are a few photos from the conference, please check back for reports and plans…
Category: Youth and Students
“Presidential Scholars” High School Students Tell Bush to Stop Torturing
When Bush went to meet a group of 50 high school students in the Presidential Scholars program at the White House, the students delivered Bush a letter urging him to stop “violations…
Depaul Students Sit-In to Defend Professor Finkelstein
Upset over DePaul University’s denial of tenure to Professors Norman Finkelstein, and Mehrene Larudee, and after a meeting between 30 student leaders and DePaul President Fr. Dennis Holtschneider at his office, students…
Words in a Time of War
Mark Danner, a writer for The New Yorker and professor at Berkeley and Bard, delivered this insightful commencement address to graduates of the Department of Rhetoric at Zellerbach Hall, University of California,…
Attacks On Science From The Bush Administration Continue Post-Election
(Excerpted from a speech in February 2007 in Hawaii by Michael Hadfield) Lest anyone think that the Congressional electoral victories of the Democrats last November have changed anything, let me point out…
Pentagon Attempts to Force Berkeley High to Furnish Student Info
But Students Do Not Opt to be Cannon Fodder By Kenneth J. Theisen, 5/30/07 Threatened with the loss of approximately $10 million in federal education money by the Department of Defense (DOD),…
UMass Students Boo former Bush Chief of Staff at Commencement Ceremony
Andrew Card, Bush’s former Chief of Staff, came to the University of Massachusetts Friday, May 25 to receive an honorary degree. Instead, he was met with protests from students and faculty, with…
Mission of a Generation Youth Conference July 12th – July 16th
World Can’t Wait Youth 2nd Annual Youth ConferenceSan Francisco/ Bay AreaJuly 12th – July 16th World Can’t Wait – Drive out the Bush Regime is inviting youth from around the country to…
Your Generation’s Call to Conscience
Text of speech delievered by Anastasia Gomes at Hunter University on May 9th. Living in a country where patriotism is taught from a young age and where you are instilled with the…