World Can’t Wait Youth 2nd Annual Youth Conference
San Francisco/ Bay Area
July 12th – July 16th
World Can’t Wait – Drive out the Bush Regime is inviting youth from
around the country to participate in a national conference taking place
in the San Francisco/Bay Area from July 12th – July 16th.
The Bush regime has moved forward in radically remaking the laws,
culture, and foundational norms of life in the U.S. Many in this
country felt hopeful after the new majority Congress was elected in
2006. But in the wake of the 2006 elections we have seen that U.S.
troop deployment in Iraq has intensified, fascist round ups of
immigrants has increased, controversy over Bush’s illegal spying has
only plunged us deeper into a police state and the recent Supreme Court
decision on abortion has left the survival of Roe V Wade hanging by a
thread. The Democrats have
largely remained complicit and gone along for the ride..
Where do you stand?
you do not find comfort in being a “good German” at a time when your
government is torturing thousands of Muslim men in prison camps;
If you want our generation to make its stamp on the world with an explosion of critical thinking and bold resistance;
Take part in the National World Can’t Wait Youth Conference this July.
conference will be a gathering of youth from across the country for a
week of workshops, panels, outreach, wide-ranging discussions and film
screenings. The conference will also serve as an opportunity to
discuss how to build a student movement on campuses and map out our
plans (materials, outreach, mass mobilizations, teach-ins, concerts,
ect) for the rest of the summer and the Fall semester.
What students do – or fail to do, in the next few
months, will cast a very long shadow into the future. Driving out the
Bush regime before 2008 must be the mission of this generation.
The conference is co-sponsored by Vets for Peace Chapter 69 and American Legion Post 315
Mission of a Generation Youth Conference Schedule:
Thursday, July 12, 5-8pm: Registration/Orientation and opening sessions
Friday, July 13
Friday Morning – Discussion 10-1
*Does the current situation hold out the potential to drive out the Bush regime in 18 months?
*Is the Christian Right Over? Theocracy and the Growing Attacks on Women Rights
2:00 – 4:00 P.M.
Featuring Sunsara Taylor, writer for Revolution and advisory board member of World Can’t Wait
Friday Afternoon – Sureya Sayadi and Sunsara Taylor Broadcasting live from KPFA on ” Theocracy: From the U.S. to Iraqi Kurdistan” 5:00 – 6:00 P.M.
Friday Evening – Panel Event 7:00-P.M-9:00 PM
* The Looming War with Iran, the Crisis in the Middle East and the Urgent Need for Resistance
Saturday, July 14
Saturday Morning – Discussion
*Wanted: A Student Movement to Drive out the Bush Regime
Why and how we need to mobilize a movement on campuses to Drive out the Bush Regime and repudiate the Bush Agenda
Saturday Afternoon – Workshop
*Panel discussion on student movement. “Strategies on building a youth/student resistance movement to war and empire”.
Saturday Night – Film Screening
* “War Made Easy” War Made Easy brings to the screen Norman Solomon’s insightful analysis of the strategies used by administrations, both Democratic and Republican, to promote their agendas for war from Vietnam to Iraq. Featuring Peter Phillips and Josh Wolf.
Sunday, July 15
* Town Hall Meeting
San Francisco Main Public Library
@ Koret Auditorium, SF Public Library, featuring Rev. Lennox Yearwood
of the Hip-Hop Caucus, Sunsara Taylor, and Dennis Bernstein of KPFA’s Flashpoints
100 Larkin Street (at Grove)
Sunday Evening
* Fundraiser Party – Music and Open Mic
Monday, July 16
Monday Morning – Workshop
* G. I Resistance
Monday Afternoon – Discussion
* Finalizing of Plans for the Summer and Fall
Conference (except the July 15 Town Hall) will be held on the second
floor of the Veterans Memorial Building, 401 Van Ness Ave. (at
McAllister St.) in downtown San Francisco, near Civic Center BART.
Registration Form
{kl_php} $conferenceID=3; include($_SERVER[“DOCUMENT_ROOT”] . “/php/conferences/form.php”); {/kl_php}