We’re sending a big hug to you at this tremendously fraught time in this country, and — largely because of U.S. actions — a horribly dangerous time for the globe. Whether you…
Category: Donate
Let us do all we can to stop war crimes
I expect everyone reading this cherishes being together with loved ones, friends and communities while also feeling the deep contrast with how much of humanity is struggling to survive — or not surviving — as we celebrate the holidays….
Please Support WeAreNotYourSoldiers for 2024
Formed in 2008, We Are Not Your Soldiers continues to bring veterans into classrooms to share their experiences in the U.S. military while engaging in dialogue with students, exposing imperial wars to a generation…
The Change We Need is Not on the Ballot
World Can’t Wait | March 1, 2016 You could do a lot of damage by putting your hopes, and your resources and time, behind a candidate for president in 2016. Why? There…
Support World Can’t Wait: Humanity and the Planet Come First!
November 23, 2015 We come to you with a simple yet urgent appeal for funds for World Can’t Wait’s much needed work in 2016 and ask: What can’t the world wait for?…
What the World Needs to See NOW!
December 1, 2014 Video by Jolie DePauw All of us witnessed the great hope that people felt six years ago as many believed that this country had turned a corner and the…
Support World Can’t Wait
Donations to World Can’t Wait make visible resistance to the crimes our government possible. Contribute generously and help end the complicity of silence and inaction. Donations make the publication of our “Crimes…
Why People are Donating to World Can’t Wait
I’m broker than Fried Chicken but will pledge $20. I love WCW because they let me know I am not alone in the world of the tranquilized, blinded and zombiefied. Elizabeth,…
Donate $4 Real Change
4 for real change now! Can you spare $4 FOR REAL CHANGE? There is no better $4 investment you can make to create Real Change right now! Sign Up Here…
Donate Today
Make a One-Time Donation to Support World Can’t Wait’s Actions: Or, Become a Monthly Sustainer: Make a secure, recurring monthly donation via PayPal at the sustainer level of your choice:…