Here are excerpts from an article in the Chicago Tribune. Check back to, which will be providing ongoing coverage and news of opposition to the attacks on Professor Finkelstein. DePaul pulls…
Category: Youth and Students
Festival of Resistance -Sept 5th
Festival Of Resistance – Drive Out the Bush RegimeUH-Manoa Campus Center “Silence and paralysis are NOT acceptable. That which you will not resist and mobilize to stop, you will learn – or…
DIN at Rock The Bells in SF
Declare It Now at Rock The Bells in San Francisco We had around 40 World Can’t Wait organizers inside Rock The Bells, many of whom responded from a mass email sent out…
Orange in the Crowd: L.A. WCW at Rock the Bells
World Can’t Wait has been hitting the concerts and festivals with orange and a challenge to take back the future from this criminal regime. This account from the L.A. chapter at Rock…
Down to the ” 11th Hour”
This week Leonardo Dicaprio and Nadia Conners are releasing the doc, ” The 11th Hour”, raising the environmental crisis facing the planet and the need for US to change our current disastrous…
Punk and Politics
World Can’t Wait presents PUNK ‘N POLITICS – What Punk Has Always Been AboutSaturday, July 28, 2007 -Anna Banana’s, 9pm $5 at the doorBands: Mass Dissent, Smitz, Rob K and his Co-Conspirators…
No More War at Lollapalooza
Above: Video footage of a powerful performance by Eddie Vedder and Ben Harper singing ” No More War” at Lollapalooza in Chicago this weekend. In addition to Vedder and Harper, an Iraq…
A Great Nation of Torture and ” Democracy”
Video of High School Students who Tell the President ‘NO’ on Torture.
What Will it Take to Drive out the Bush Regime?
There’s no one answer. But we can draw from important lessons of the past and seek to apply them to a rapidly changing world. Historian and writer Howard Zinn delievered a speech…
Calling for Impeachment of Bush and Cheney at Immortal Technique Concert in DC
Make Hip Hop Not WarTuesday, July 31st, 20079:30 Club, 815 V St. NWWashington, D.C.7:30 DoorsTicket Price $15, available at Club Box office or online. Rev. Yearwood, President of the Hip Hop Caucus,…