Festival Of Resistance – Drive Out the Bush Regime
UH-Manoa Campus Center
“Silence and paralysis are NOT acceptable. That which you will not resist and mobilize to stop, you will learn – or be forced – to accept. There is no escaping it: the whole disastrous course of this Bush regime must be STOPPED. And we must take the responsibility to do it.
Each year we’ve organized a “Festival of Resistance” at the UH-Manoa campus to kick off the beginning of the school year, and this year is no exception. Be a part of this year’s Festival by posting signs, dropping banners, chalking messages, and anything else you can think of. World Can’t Wait is setting things up at Campus Center, but we need all of you to help transform the ENTIRE campus in order to change apathy into a strong spirit of resistance! And you don’t need to be students or faculty members to make this happen.
Info below
Information Fair on the Campus Center Mall
2nd Floor, Campus Center
10am to 2pm
Check out the tables at Campus Center on September 5th! Many community groups will be there, and you’ll be able to hook up.
Films and Speakers
Campus Center, 2nd Floor Forum Area
10am to 4:30pm
Continuous films and talks from 10am to 4:30 pm, featuring the recent
Bush Crimes Commission DVD from 11:30-12:30, followed by a panel on the
crimes of the Bush Regime from 12:30-1:30.
Concert and Slam Poetry
Campus Center Courtyard
4:30 – 9 pm
This promises to be the hottest on-campus concert of the semester,
featuring some of Hawai`i’s most popular bands and poets, and all with
a conscious political message. We promise high energy that will bring
you to your feet.
Cee (Ong King Arts Center) will be emceeing. The best of Hawai`i’s slam
poets will be on stage. Live bands will include: Mass Dissent (Punk),
Golfcart Rebellion (punk), Black Square (ska), and RobK and his
Co-Conspirators (rock/blues/rant). If you missed Rob K at Anna’s last
month, don’t miss him this time. A self-described “Woodstock kinda
guy”, Rob combines conscious rant, high energy rock and blues, spices
it up with theatrics (with some yoga moves thrown in) and will have you
all dancing.
If you’re more familiar with the local scene, you probably know Black
Square. Their songs speak out against the war — AND they play some of
Hawai`i’s most popular GI bars to an appreciative crowd it an FTA
So spread the word! And if you’re off campus and just getting off of
work at 4:30-5:00, pick up a bento and head on down to UH Manoa Campus
Center on Wed., September 5th.