Dear WCW community and others who may stumble across my words, I would have written sooner, but it has taken me this long to decompress from the Coachella Valley Music and Arts…
Category: Youth and Students
Hip-hop meets activism in odd anti-Bush partnership
By Jessica Hester, published April 20, 2007, in the Chicago Maroon, the independent student newspaper of the University of Chicago Break-dancers, spoken-word artists, and musicians tore up the International House stage on…
Brandeis WCW Hosts Prof. Finkelstein Amid Controversy
In the past two months an intense struggle has broken out over Prof. Norman Finkelstein gaining tenure at Depaul University. The concerted effort orchestrated by right wing members of Depaul’s faculty and…
Gonzales’ Law School Reunion Disrupted by Protesters
4/18/07: Attorney General Alberto Gonzales attended his 25th Harvard Law School reunion Saturday unannounced, in the midst of widespread calls for his resignation over his role in the firing of federal prosecutors…
Sunsara Taylor Speaks on Abortion
{google}-5996922661724549848{/google} In light of the April 18 Supreme Court decision upholding the “Federal Partial Birth Abortion Ban”, the above speech given by Sunsara Taylor given at Mills College as part of the…
Take the Quiz on Iran & the Nuclear Bomb
[download pdf quiz] The Bush administration is moving dangerously towards an attack on Iran (click here to read more on that), yet few people understand the danger before, let alone are ready…
A Complacent Campus Errupts in Protest
Last was anything but quiet at Univ. of North Carolina-Greensboro. Usually a complacent campus, an alarming number of students actively united under a common cause: to resist the fascist hate-speech espoused by…
Intern this Summer with World Can’t Wait
The world faces a dire situation. The Bush regime is pushing forward with its unjust wars in Afghanistan & Iraq, and now aiming to attack Iran, with the death toll mounting. A…
The Sobering Effects of Wearing Orange
By Jamilah Hoffman, 3/22/07 I have to admit that I had been late when it comes to wearing the orange jumpsuits. Something always came up, or I just didn’t “feel” like it. …