From a World Can’t Wait Organizer at University of North Carolina – Greensboro: On the evening of October 4, the UNCG chapter of World Can’t Wait had scheduled a showing of “Crimes…
Category: Youth and Students
Stanford Faculty & Students Protest Rumsfeld’s Appointment to Hoover Institute
10/3/07: Donald Rumsfeld, the war criminal who presided over the invasion and occupation of Iraq until his resignation last year, was recently given a one-year appointment as Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the…
Confront the Horowitz Fascists: RESIST “Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week”
1. Mass distribute this leaflet.2. Check in daily at defend critical thinking .org for materials and developments.3. Send us your plans so we’re part of a national counteroffensive. leaflet: pdf / png…
Students Speak Out
Student speakers at the 9-25-07 UN rally. Natalie, John Jay College: Are we ready to go and arrest Bush? I hope so, because that’s what we’re going to do today. We…
Taser This: Fuck Bush
In response to a student at the University of Florida being tasered for asking Sen. John Kerry why he won’t call for Bush’s impeachment, an editor of the student newspaper at the…
Student Tasered for Asking John Kerry Why He Won’t Stop Bush
What happens if you ask the Democrats why they refuse to impeach Bush? A student at University of Florida recently found out when he asked John Kerry, during a Q&A session following…
World Can’t Wait response to “9/11 Rally Turns Ugly”
On the 6th anniversary of 9/11, College Republicans and College Democrats got together to stage a “memorial” at Malcolm X Plaza at San Francisco State University. World Can’t Wait ( activists, youth…
SF WCW Protests FEMA Office on 2nd Anniversary of Katrina
It has been two years since Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans. Two years of needless suffering and brutality. Two years of systematic abandonment and dislocation; while the powers that be are making…
Tenure Now for Professor Norman Finklestein! Defend Critical Thinking and Dissent in Academia!
Click Here for footage of Depaul students demanding an end to the witch hunt aimed at Professor Finkelstein on Sept.5th. Below is a statement from the Chicago World Can’t Wait Student Network…
S.F. News Covers WCW Youth Conference
SF News coverage of the World Can’t Wait Mission of a Generation Youth Conference featuring Sunsara Taylor and Rev. Lenox Yearwood. {click here to watch} ‘