1. Mass distribute this leaflet. 2. Check in daily at defend critical thinking .org for materials and developments. 3. Send us your plans so we’re part of a national counteroffensive. ![]() leaflet: pdf / png videos: What is “IFAW”? Allen L. Explains From the Horse’s mouth – Horowitz’s plans for a fascist offensive on campuses across the country Horowitz’s site FAQ on Islamo-Fascist Awareness Week |
October 22-26
This right wing assault on college campuses across the country has nothing to do with “free speech” or the oppression of women in Islam.
It has everything to do with silencing dissent and whipping up Islamo-phobic hysteria to justify U.S. domination of the Middle East.If you are against everything “Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week” stands for”
-Organize your campus: talk to Women’s Studies professors, Muslim Student Associations, Global Warming scientists, and others about the agenda behind “IFAW”-Take a stand: Be bold and uncompromising. Figure out ways to directly confront “IFAW” and expose their lies. Use this week as an opportunity to transform the campuses in a positive direction.
-Wear Orange: Orange is the color of the jumpsuits worn by detainees being tortured in Guantanamo. It is an urgent color. It is also the color of resistance. Imagine if, by October 22, the majority of students were wearing orange to show that they opposed “IFAW.”
–Contact us: Let’s build this resistance on a national level. Contact The World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime! to share your ideas and get plugged in.
– WCW Steering Committee Orientation for Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week
Read the World Can’t Wait call to resist “Islamo-Fascist Week” below.
David Horowitz and his army of Campus Republicans are launching “Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week” October 22-26 on hundreds of campuses across the country. They are ominously calling this “the biggest conservative campus protest ever.” Invoking “60’s themes like “free speech” and combating the “oppression of women in Islam” as a cover, they plan to harass Muslim Student Associations and Women’s Studies Departments, and silence anyone that questions the Bush regime’s official narrative, including even those concerned about global warming!
Given the Bush regime’s escalating threats toward Iran, the danger of a complicit campus environment cannot be underestimated. The College Republicans can claim to be the victim of the “academic left,” but people like them run this country and dominate the world. They are the ones holding “catch an illegal immigrant day” at the same time as the Bush regime’s ICE raids are ripping apart immigrant families. This is not just a question of campus politics and a few loud mouth bigots. If we ignore them, they will NOT go away. They have their sights set on the last remaining bastions of critical thinking with the aim of transforming all of society. If they can create an atmosphere at these colleges where it is okay to be openly racist and reactionary, where progressive faculty are intimidated by ridiculous claims of “left-wing academic dictatorship,” and radical dissenting ideas are ruled beyond the pale and off the table”then they have won, not only at the universities, but in their efforts to remake the social fabric of this country in a fascist way.
On the other hand, if we can politically confront these college Republicans and their “Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week,” expose their real agenda, raise awareness of the growing danger of U.S. fascism and the real fascist direction that the Bush regime has been taking this country in-the endless war, the torture, the Patriot Act, the unlimited domestic spying, and the whole police state infrastructure, the Christian Fundamentalism that is undermining women’s rights, gay peoples rights, science, and rational thought-and if we can bring forward a radical student movement that refuses to choose between Islamic Fundamentalism and the Bush Regime’s Christian Fascist war on the world”then we can turn Horowitz’s plan upside down.
This week will either strengthen their side or strengthen OUR side.
By bringing forward a determined and uncomprimising student movement on campuses October 22-26th we can paralyze Horowitz’ ability to further target and blacklist professors and be a major part of transforming campuses into centers of intellectual ferment, activism, and organized resistance that are so desperately needed at times like these.
Dear People,
Thank you for your courage to stand up for true peace. Living in Holland makes me think of warr and 63 years of peace. Peace and freedom we got by the help of the US in WW2.
Ever since I see US global intervention. Two Golf warrs, Middle East/Elsalvador/US politics in Africa/ Vietnam. My memory is so stuffed with US warr. In the name of freedom and safety… freedom of speach. But what good did the US bring?
Today the US points at China/ Russia, warns Iran and N-Korea. Democracy is used all the time.
But what is DEMOCRACY when:
I see Mexico and the US borderpatrols. I see two party elections.
I see the money that is needed to win a campain.
I see how many guns are in the US.
I see how many people die by guns.
I see HOW many people are in prison in the US.
I see KKK.
I see dead sentences.
I see a economy that depends on warrindustry.
I see far more people who have died in Irac than people in the 9/11 attac.
I see secret prisons in the world.
I see a vice president who gets away with stinking oil deals.
I see US defence shields on the borders with Russia.
No special research here….. It is on the news!!!
Does America wants a new warr to boost it\’s economy?? Freedom to the rich and famous.
Again thank you so much for your effords and protests for true freedom.
With love from Europe.
Dear People,
Thank you for your courage to stand up for true peace. Living in Holland makes me think of warr and 63 years of peace. Peace and freedom we got by the help of the US in WW2.
Ever since I see US global intervention. Two Golf warrs, Middle East/Elsalvador/US politics in Africa/ Vietnam. My memory is so stuffed with US warr. In the name of freedom and safety… freedom of speach. But what good did the US bring?
Today the US points at China/ Russia, warns Iran and N-Korea. Democracy is used all the time.
But what is DEMOCRACY when:
I see Mexico and the US borderpatrols. I see two party elections.
I see the money that is needed to win a campain.
I see how many guns are in the US.
I see how many people die by guns.
I see HOW many people are in prison in the US.
I see KKK.
I see dead sentences.
I see a economy that depends on warrindustry.
I see far more people who have died in Irac than people in the 9/11 attac.
I see secret prisons in the world.
I see a vice president who gets away with stinking oil deals.
I see US defence shields on the borders with Russia.
No special research here….. It is on the news!!!
Does America wants a new warr to boost it\’s economy?? Freedom to the rich and famous.
Again thank you so much for your effords and protests for true freedom.
With love from Europe.
Dear People,
Thank you for your courage to stand up for true peace. Living in Holland makes me think of warr and 63 years of peace. Peace and freedom we got by the help of the US in WW2.
Ever since I see US global intervention. Two Golf warrs, Middle East/Elsalvador/US politics in Africa/ Vietnam. My memory is so stuffed with US warr. In the name of freedom and safety… freedom of speach. But what good did the US bring?
Today the US points at China/ Russia, warns Iran and N-Korea. Democracy is used all the time.
But what is DEMOCRACY when:
I see Mexico and the US borderpatrols. I see two party elections.
I see the money that is needed to win a campain.
I see how many guns are in the US.
I see how many people die by guns.
I see HOW many people are in prison in the US.
I see KKK.
I see dead sentences.
I see a economy that depends on warrindustry.
I see far more people who have died in Irac than people in the 9/11 attac.
I see secret prisons in the world.
I see a vice president who gets away with stinking oil deals.
I see US defence shields on the borders with Russia.
No special research here….. It is on the news!!!
Does America wants a new warr to boost it\’s economy?? Freedom to the rich and famous.
Again thank you so much for your effords and protests for true freedom.
With love from Europe.