STOP THE WARS & TORTURE FOR EMPIRE! World Can’t Wait leaflet for March 20 protests: PDF version here The U.S is occupying Iraq and Afghanistan, and now has more combat…
Category: Getting Started
Torture & War Criminal Posters
Posters & Leaflets for May 28th 11" x 17" Black & White Posters: Addington Ashcroft Bush Bybee Cheney Feith Gonzales Haynes Negroponte Pelosi Petraeus Rice Rove Rumsfeld Tenet Yoo War Criminals Watch…
The U.S. Government Tortured Children: Demand War Crimes Prosecutions Now!
Action: Monday March 30 – 4:00 pm Join World Can’t Wait in front of the New York Times building, 8th Avenue between 40/41st Streets Be part of a contingent of "detainees"…
Welcome to the World Can’t Wait Community
THANK YOU for being people of conscience and speaking out in truth…for amplifying our voices above the din of hollow political rhetoric…for demanding an end to endless war and the abolition of…