By Dennis Loo Several recent developments bode well for this country, the world, and specifically for the political left. The fact that they are all occurring so close in time to each…
Category: Dennis Loo
Loo is an award-winning sociologist, co-editor of Impeach the
President: the Case Against Bush and Cheney, Associate Professor of
Sociology at Cal Poly Pomona and an honors graduate in Government from
Harvard. He received his M.A. and Ph.D. in Sociology from the
University of California at Santa Cruz. He is a former journalist and
his research specialties include polling, public policy-making, social
movements, and criminology.He can be reached via his blog:
March 4th Demonstrations: “The World is on Fire!”: the Fight to Defend Public Education
By Dennis Loo To this house where nearly all of the light has been cut off because the windows are boarded up, choking off the air, comes now a large crew of…
Reflections on the Tea Party People/Movement
By Dennis Loo "Many of the people coalescing around the Tea Party Movement, young and old, are at the beginning of their political awakening. They are angry and frustrated by what they…
Bombs in Briefs and Obama
By Dennis Loo We have, on the one hand, the Nigerian student, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, with briefs set to explode on his flight to Detroit. We have, on the other hand, President…
To Be, or Not to Be in Afghanistan
By Dennis Loo (thanks to W. Shakespeare for the literary inspiration) To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether ‘tis nobler to receive the Peace Prize And sling drones…
Obama Channels Bush at West Point
By Dennis Loo George W. Bush could have delivered every single word, every single phrase, every phony and deluded claim, from the mouth of the current president at West Point last night. …
California Students Rise Up, Send Tremors through Society
By Dennis Loo Over the last several days, the battle in California has escalated over the “budget crisis” and the massive cuts, layoffs, and fee increases in the university system – the…
In the Face of Windstorms: Message from Dennis Loo to the National Meeting of World Can’t Wait
As those of us know, who have been watching with increasing alarm the repressive, inflamed, violent, and fascistic atmosphere that was whipped up during the unlawful tenure of Bush in the White…
Obama’s Counter-Terror Chief: We Have To Do It Secretly
By Dennis Loo On Meet the Press the Sunday after 9/11, Vice-President Cheney famously stated: “We also have to work, though, sort of the dark side, if you will. We’ve got to spend time…
Italy Does What Obama Won’t: Convicts Torturers
By Dennis Loo In a breaking story that only CNN in US media appears to be carrying at this point, but numerous other foreign news services such as BBC are carrying: an…