By Debra Sweet The Crimes are Crimes – No Matter Who Does Them message appears in The Nation’s June 14 issue. The statement, written two months ago, focuses on the global "war…
Category: Debra Sweet
Debra Sweet is the Director of World Can’t Wait, initiated in 2005 to “drive out the Bush regime” by repudiating its program, forcing it from office through a mass, independent movement and reversing the direction it had launched. Based in New York City, she leads World Can’t Wait in its continuing efforts to stop the crimes of our government, including the unjust occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan and the torture and detention codes, as well as reversing the fascist direction of U.S. society, from the surveillance state to the criminalization of abortion and immigrants. She has worked with abortion providers for twenty-five years, organizing community support and helping them withstand anti-abortion violence. Since the age of 19, when she confronted Richard Nixon during a face-to-face meeting and told him to stop the war in Vietnam, she has been a leader in the opposition to U.S. wars and invasions. Debra says, “Stop thinking like an American, and start thinking about humanity!”
She can be reached at debrasweet (at) You can read her writings at
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Never Back Down, Never Stop Telling the Truth
By Debra Sweet Monday, May 31 (Memorial Day) is the first anniversary of the killing of Dr. George Tiller, in Wichita. I wrote then George Tiller, A Hero for People Who Care…
Obama at West Point: 100 Protest Wars
By Debra Sweet About 100 people joined the march to protest the wars at the gates of West Point Saturday, while President Obama was giving the commencement address to officers about to…
Assassination First? Due Process Never? NO!
By Debra Sweet "In the past few weeks, it has become common knowledge that Barack Obama has openly ordered the assassination of an American citizen, Anwar al-Awlaki, because he is suspected…
Voices of Conscience and Voices of Youth
By Debra Sweet Our statement has been published in the New York Review of Books, and email and calls are coming in. Thanks to Anthony: "i don’t know if i say this…
Not Complicit…Not Complacent…We Need MORE of that 40 Years after Kent State!
By Debra Sweet, Director of The World Can’t Wait Around noon, forty years ago today [May 4], 4 students were shot dead, and 9 wounded when Ohio National Guardsmen shot into a…
Start Thinking About Humanity
By Debra Sweet A few people wrote me this week to say that I didn’t understand that the Arizona law directing police to stop and ID people who look "illegal" is good. …
Military Whistleblowers Leak Evidence of US War Crimes
By Debra Sweet From the UK Guardian Monday, Wikileaks reveals video showing US air crew shooting down Iraqi civilians: "A secret video showing US air crew falsely claiming to have encountered a firefight…
Abortion Rights: Still on OUR Agenda
By Debra Sweet The film Abortion, Morality and the Liberation of Women is being seen by people via YouTube and through organized showings, including at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro last…
Marching in Protest of 7 Years US Occupation of Iraq
By Debra Sweet Seven years of U.S. war and occupation of Iraq were marked with varied protests in the U.S. last weekend. There were more of us than last year,…