What are people living in the US thinking about their government? A recent poll in the Washington Post says Bush’s approval rating has dropped to an all-time low, because Republicans are now…
Category: Debra Sweet
Debra Sweet is the Director of World Can’t Wait, initiated in 2005 to “drive out the Bush regime” by repudiating its program, forcing it from office through a mass, independent movement and reversing the direction it had launched. Based in New York City, she leads World Can’t Wait in its continuing efforts to stop the crimes of our government, including the unjust occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan and the torture and detention codes, as well as reversing the fascist direction of U.S. society, from the surveillance state to the criminalization of abortion and immigrants. She has worked with abortion providers for twenty-five years, organizing community support and helping them withstand anti-abortion violence. Since the age of 19, when she confronted Richard Nixon during a face-to-face meeting and told him to stop the war in Vietnam, she has been a leader in the opposition to U.S. wars and invasions. Debra says, “Stop thinking like an American, and start thinking about humanity!”
She can be reached at debrasweet (at) worldcantwait.org. You can read her writings at debra.worldcantwait.net.
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Driving Out the Bush Regime is Up to the People! Impeach the War Criminals Now.
Speech given by Debra Sweet, National Director of World Can’t Wait, at a Town Hall impeachment event attended by 500 people in Houston, Texas, April 9, 2007. Did any of you vote…
Speech by Debra Sweet to Impeach Bush for War Crimes Summit, 2/17
Speech given by Debra Sweet, national director of World Can’t Wait, to the Emergency Summit to Impeach Bush for War Crimes on Feb. 17, 2007: {google}-8911906740078921875{/google} Text: This week, I was asked…
Debra Sweet: Presentation to World Can’t Wait National Meeting, 1/13/07
Text of presentation from Debra Sweet, World Can’t Wait national director, to World Can’t Wait’s national meeting on January 13 2007. Imagine for a moment, that you”re trying to explain early 2007…
Why Demand Impeachment Now?
By Debra Sweet on behalf of the World Can’t Wait national steering committee, 12/11/06 The day Congress opens, World Can’t Wait will lead a major challenge to the political direction in this…
Debra Sweet: Will this continue to be done in our names?
Text of speech given by Debra Sweet, national director of World Can’t Wait, at a teach-in Dec. 4 at George Washington University: Hello. I”d like to know how many students we have…
Interview with Debra Sweet, National Coordinator of World Can’t Wait
Revolution #59, September 3, 2006 On August 25, Revolution interviewed Debra Sweet, National Coordinator of World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime. Revolution: The WCW plan for the next six…
Podcast from Debra Sweet, 8/14
Hear from the national co-ordinator of World Can’t Wait on making October 5th a turning point in history. The response to World Can’t Wait’s full-page ad in August 3rd’s New York Times…