Eileen Ryan |
World Can’t Wait has a volunteer-run national office in New York City. We will be spotlighting some of our wonderful volunteers and our sustainers over the next several weeks. We are thankful to have them. You can sustain our work by making a monthly recurring donation at worldcantwait.net. In addition to being a national office volunteer, Eileen is also a sustainer of World Can’t Wait.
How long you have been a national office staff volunteer?
I have been volunteering with World Can’t Wait since the beginning, since Stephanie asked me.
Why do you volunteer at World Can’t Wait’s national office?
I’m here because I was a volunteer for "Not in Our Name" and when they folded Stephanie asked me to stay on to help World Can’t Wait I volunteer and sustain because I want to see an end to the wars and believe in the efforts of World Can’t Wait to bring charges against those who perpetuate war and torture.
What do you do as a national office staff volunteer?
As a volunteer I thank donors for their contribution, try to participate in demonstrations, and help when needed for other tasks.
As a national office staff volunteer, what difference does having sustainers make?
Sustainers certainly help in knowing we are be able to meet monthly expenses. They are also an encouragement to the staff to know this movement has a faithful following.
Thank you so much for volunteering your time to bring war criminals to justice!