It’s up to us, people living in the United States, to hasten Trumpland’s demise.
“This administration is less than a month old and is steeped in scandal, incompetence, conflict of interest and internal disarray,” tweeted Saturday Night Live Trump double Alec Baldwin. Continuing questions about Russian influence in Washington added to turmoil in the White House this week with the forced resignation of national security adviser Michael Flynn.
Western European intelligence interceptions confirm that Russian operatives were in contact with members of the Trump campaign team. U.S. allies and Baltic states in particular are concerned that lifting of sanctions on Russia would embolden Moscow’s military adventurism.
Former CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather says Flynn’s resignation could lead to scandal worse than Watergate. “Watergate is the biggest political scandal of my lifetime, until maybe now,” Rather wrote in a Facebook post. He has called for an independent investigation: “We are still less than a month into the Trump Presidency, and many are asking that question made famous by Tennessee Senator Howard Baker those many years ago: ‘What did the President know, and when did he know it?'”
Despite a growing list of impeachable offenses, from fraud and racketeering to treason and br
Trump’s early missteps threaten impressions of presidential competence, appraised Los Angeles Times reporter Cathleen Decker of Trump’s botched Muslim ban. “Trump’s inflammatory campaign rhetoric continues to define him.” What sold well to Trump voters, the ugliness, ignorance and fear of white nationalism, will serve to popularize his undoing.