In a Time Magazine piece rebutting the Berkeley professor’s opposition to a draft European Union “code of conduct” to regulate outer space, Jeffrey Kluger identifies the true nature of Yoo’s vision: militarization of space.
“Outer space has become the next frontier for American national security and business,” opined Yoo in The New York Times. “From space, we follow terrorists and intercept their communications, detect foreign military deployments, and monitor a proliferation of unconventional weapons. Our Global Positioning System gives us targeting and tactical advantages, spacecraft create image-rich maps, and satellites beam data around the world.”
John Yoo argues that dozens of international institutions like the International Court of Justice and the World Trade Organization present an unavoidable challenge to American constitutional law. He argues that America must re-conceptualize the Constitution and must recognize the President’s power to terminate international agreements and interpret international law. — San Francisco Commonwealth Club
We say NO! to this program. Indict John Yoo for War Crimes Saturday October 29, 1:00 pm Boalt Hall, Room 105