“Due to global warming, widespread drought and increasingly polluted water systems, the projected availability of clean freshwater in years to come to meet the rising demands of a growing global population is among the most daunting human challenges of this century,” writes Joachim Hagopian at Global Research. “In the same way that without air to breathe, without water we humans cannot sustain life for more than a few days.”
Water is a common resource, to be protected and preserved for public use, not sacrificed to private profit. On July 28, 2010 the United Nations General Assembly adopted the resolution to provide safe, clean, accessible and affordable drinking water and sanitation– for all. “The available freshwater supply is becoming more and more limited,” says Food & Water Watch. “A statewide public trust frame- work is paramount. If groundwater is treated as a commodity, it cannot be adequately protected for future generations.”
While we are familiar with havoc the Nestle Corporation wreaks on vulnerable communities with the unlawful extraction of spring water and resale of the same at unaffordable prices (Nestle controls a third of the domestic market for bottled water in the United States), fracking presents an even greater threat. The dirty, leaking oil pipelines transporting product add to initial contamination by the extraction process.
Shailene Woodley sent prayers to North Dakota from a ‘Snowden’ Premiere (see sidebar) reports Just Jared. The leading lady star of the soon-to-be-released film (she plays Lindsay Mills) was “psyched” to support people on the ground in North Dakota and across the country opposing the Dakota Access Pipeline, “#NoDAPL #RezpectOurWater #UpToUs,” Shailene captioned a photo on Instagram.
You can be part of a national day of action against the Dakota Access Pipeline! SF Bay Stands w/ Standing Rock on Tuesday, September 13 for a solidarity action and rally at Oscar Grant/Frank Ogawa Plaza, Oakland at 5:30pm. Join us!
Stewardship of earth’s resources for the well being and greater good of the people represents a monumental task. What are most lacking are not technical solutions but political will.
“As Israeli-Palestinian violence continues to escalate, and Israel’s occupation enters its 50th year, Gaza could be just months away from running out of safe drinking water,” write U.S. Representative Jim McDermott and Legislative Representative for Middle East policy at the Friends Committee on National Legislation Kate Gould. “As drinking water underneath Gaza vanishes, the threat of pandemics and violence is on the rise. Like the Flint, Michigan water travesty, the water crisis in Gaza is man-made.“
This Week’s PEACE vigil will promote CODEPINK’s challenge to Israel’s brutal blockade of, among many essential resources, potable water. Decades of illegal expansion into Palestine territory — with material support from the United States — have cut off access to a criminally exploited and contaminated aquifer.
Since 2009, CODEPINK has led over ten delegations to Gaza and has partnered with Global Exchange on trips to Israel and the West Bank. Be a part of this journey for peace and justice in Palestine by donating to fund the Women’s Boat to Gaza!