Suggested tweets for speaking out during the RNC / DNC. Copy / paste / share at will…
Hillary Clinton and the Democratic War Party aren’t the answer to Trump’s Fascist War Party. #WeRejectTheseChoices
It’s a system problem, not just a politician problem. #RNC #DNC #WeRejectTheseChoices
Choosing the lesser evil, only leads to greater evil. #SeeYouInPhilly #WeRejectTheseChoices
What do Hilary and Trump have in common? They both have advocated for torture. #NoToClump
Trump vs. Clinton: criminal choices of a criminal system. Mass resistance needed. #SeeYouInPhilly #WeRejectTheseChoices
A war criminal cannot stop a fascist. It’s going to be on us. #WeRejectTheseChoices
Because the change we need isn’t on the ballot, & humanity and the planet come first #WeRejectTheseChoices #RNCinCLE
Kinder, gentler death by robot drones or nukes to “knock out ISIS”? #WeRejectTheseChoices
What do Hillary and Michael Pence have in common? They both voted for the Iraq war. #WeRejectTheseChoices #SeeYouInPhilly
Hillary re: Iraq… she made the “best decision” she could — and has taken no responsibility for the human cost of these wars. #NoToClump
What do you do when the lesser of two evil choices keeps getting more evil? You take to the streets. #WeRejectTheseChoices #SeeYouInPhilly
Because the change we need isn’t on the ballot, & humanity and the planet come first #WeRejectTheseChoices
A woman-hating pig or the first woman war criminal president? #WeRejectTheseChoices #SeeYouInPhilly
Clinton’s closest advisers are perpetrators of & cheerleaders for 4 genocidal war crimes. Like Madeleine Albright. #NoToClump
You don’t have to pick: #RNCinCLE #DNC2016 Support those standing up for justice & an end to endless war: DONATE:
#Trump says women should be punished for having abortions. Yes, he hates women. #NoToClump
Clinton says she will stand up to Republicans yet has gone along with them on every substantial issue #NoToClump