British Journalist Andy Worthington who wrote the Guantanamo Files and has been pushing for the release of Shaker Aamer, WE STAND WITH SHAKER, a British citizen held without charge or trial at GITMO for 14 years and cleared for release in by 2 Administrations.
“We are delighted to hear about Shaker Aamer’s return to the UK, bringing to an end his long and unacceptable ordeal in US custody for nearly 14 years. Eight years ago, under George W. Bush, Shaker was first told that the US no longer wanted to hold him, and in 2009 the Obama administration also approved him for release. To be held for so long, after being approved for release, is unforgivable.
“We thank all the campaigners who have worked tirelessly for Shaker’s release, the MPs from across the political spectrum who have devoted their energies to addressing this terrible injustice, his lawyers, the media who have understood the importance of his case and the principles at stake, and, of course, the concerned citizens around the world who have recognised his plight and acted on it.
“We also recall the 112 other men still held at Guantánamo, and note that 52 of them have also, like Shaker, been approved for release by high-level US government review processes. We call for them also to be released as soon as possible.”
And Debra Sweet from the World Can’t Wait organization who has also been responsible for bringing much attention to Closing Guantanamo.