Each year on the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion, tens of thousands of anti-abortion fanatics descend on DC and San Francisco in their March for “Life.”
This January 22 WE FIGHT BACK!
Abortion On Demand and Without Apology!
#BreakAlltheChains (social media kit)
Part of the Stop Patriarchy Call to Action: “On January 22 in Washington DC and on January 24 in San Francisco, hundreds of thousands will take part in Christian fascist marches against abortion and birth control. They will spew their shame and vicious lies about ‘women’s place.’ They will strut and bray about their victories in slashing and hacking away at women’s lives in 2014. They will pump up their foot-soldiers to even more violently bludgeon women’s rights in 2015.
We say NO MORE! No more rape jokes, porn culture, gang rape, virginity cults, fascist laws, clinic closures, shattered lives, shackled births, battered friends, forced motherhood, stalking, street-harassment, shaming, objectifying, silencing, victim-blaming, groping or any of the countless ways women are daily demeaned and degraded!”
Abortion on Demand & Without Apology
Women are NOT bitches, ho’s, punching bags, breeders or sex objects – women are full human beings!
Saturday, Jan. 17 4:00–6:00 pm EST
As part of gearing up to confront and protest the Marches for “Life” on January 22 in Wash DC, and January 24 in SF and Austin, come together to watch the Abortion Rights Speak-Out.
Hear from Sunsara Taylor of RevCom.us, Eve Ensler of VDay (via skype), Diane Derzis from the last abortion clinic in Mississippi, and others about the emergency facing the right to abortion, how the attacks on abortion rights are part of a larger assault on women’s lives, and what you can and must do to STOP IT! TESTIFY – Come in person or send us your story.
Watch LIVE webcast. See StopPatriarchy.org for details.
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Thursday, Jan. 22 Noon EST
Wash, DC – Confront March 4 “Life”
Supreme Court
Get on the BUS from NYC or caravan from elsewhere. Please contact StopPatriarchy@gmail.com for financial assistance for bus tickets. Learn more.
Facebook Event
Email Contact
Friday, Jan. 23 12:00 – 2:00 pm PST
Oakland, CA – Abortion On Demand is Liberating, NOT “Genocidal!”
Oakland City Hall – Oscar Grant Plaza
Confront the fascists who spread the LIE that Black women who get abortions are committing “genocide.” Learn more.
Facebook Event
Email Contact
Saturday, Jan. 24 1:00 pm PST
San Francisco, CA – Confront Walk 4 “Life”
Powell & Market
Facebook Event
Email Contact
Get on the bus from LA!
Saturday, Jan. 24 1:30pm CST
Austin, TX – Confront Rally for “Life”
Texas State Capitol
Initiated by Stop Patriarchy. Endorsed by Joy of Resistance Multicultural Feminist Radio, World Can’t Wait, and Brooklyn/Queens NOW.