Monday December 3, 2012
6 pm door opens — 7pm event
All Souls Church Unitarian
1500 Harvard Street Northwest, Washington, DC 20009
On December 3, 2012, Army PFC Bradley Manning’s civilian defense lawyer David Coombs will make his first ever public appearance to provide an overview of pending defense motions before the court and other facts regarding U.S. v. Manning. Mr. Coombs is expected to focus on the unlawful pretrial punishment that PFC Manning was subjected to for nine months while at the Marine Corps Base,Quantico, Virginia — the subject of international outrage and a UN investigation.
The government’s denial of Bradley Manning’s right to a speedy trial will also be before the military court. Accused military whistle-blower and Nobel Peace Prize nominee PFC Manning has been in prison for over 900 days. His court martial iscurrently scheduled to begin February 4, 2013.
Thanks to the release of the documents in question, American journalists and citizens have a far greater window into the reality of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Guantanamo Bay, and secret corporate influence on foreign policy. While no specific harm resulted from the release of this information, PFC Manning faces life in
military prison if convicted.
A $10-$100 suggested donation at the door will be collected to cover event expenses and support Bradley’s defense fund. No one will be turned away.
The event will also feature brief presentations from Bradley Manning Support Network spokesperson Emma Cape and whistle-blower Dr. Marsha Coleman-Adebayo, and an appeal from David House in support of Bradley Manning’s defense fund.
Media are welcome to record Mr. Coombs’ presentation and an audio connection will be provided. Media that cannot attend may request access to a broadcast quality audio stream. This event will be live-streamed by the Pacifica Network here and here. We suggest that you consider organizing a group viewing of the presentation.
This handicap accessible event is hosted by the Bradley Manning Support Network, with the support of:a long list of organizations.