by Debra Sweet
Plans by the U.S. to maintain a Special Forces occupation of Afghanistan until 2024 are being severely tested. But only press from other countries reports what the two main reasons why the people of Afghanistan demand that U.S. forces just leave are:
• Continued aerial bombing by NATO/US forces. Sunday, NATO claimed it killed 45 “insurgents” in an airstrike in a remote province east of Kabul. But villagers brought the bodies of 8 women, including a girl 10 years old, to the governor’s office. They were shouting “death to America. They were condemning the attack,” said an Afghan official, according to Agence France Presse. How many times has this happened in almost 11 years? The U.S. NATO commanders dismiss it as necessary “collateral damage.” People who are allegedly being “saved” are expendable.
• An Afghan court has found that administrative detention (indefinite and without charges) violates Afghan law! The Obama–Karzai agreement that Afghan prisoners now being held by the US would be transferred to custody of the Karzai government for indefinite detention is in danger. One might think that it violates U.S. law, but not according to the Obama administration. So which country is more “civilized?” Thousands of Afghan men have been seized by the U.S. over 11 years, most charged with nothing.
STOP U.S. Aggression and Continued War on the World! Not in Our Name!
This war MUST end now, not in 2024, a date arrived at by Obama and Karzai, and not on an obscure date in the future!
Saturday/Sunday, October 6/7, falling one month before the election where the war is talked about only as “over,” must be marked by actions protesting the U.S. war on the world.