If you won’t accept Obama and the Democrats genuflecting to a system of endless war — and are disgusted by their retraction of promises to protect the environment and your civil liberties — Stand up! Speak out! Fight back!
Three years of drone attacks on sovereign nations – escalating threats on Iran – capitulation to religious fanatics against abortion – suppression of the Occupy movement and political protest –incarceration of whistleblowers – promotion of destructive energy policy – all this has proved to be a disaster for this country and the world.
Crimes are Crimes, no matter who does them!
Tell the President and the elite he serves: Stop these wars on the people and the planet! No More! Not in our name!
This demonstration is initiated by World Can’t Wait and Code Pink. To endorse, volunteer, or for questions contact us (right away). Everyone is welcome: bring your signs and banners, your friends, your voice.
Thursday, February 16
5:00 PM
Nob Hill Masonic Center
1111 California Street
San Francisco, CA
[Note: This campaign event begins at 6 PM. Before that, Obama will appear at a fundraising dinner in a San Francisco private home.]
Just got back from this protest earlier tonight… there were about 500 people demonstrating outside Obama’s appearance at the Masonic Auditorium on Nob Hill, including large numbers of cannabis activists, Tea Partiers, Occupy supporters, Ron Paul supporters, Bradley Manning supporters, and pro-lifers. Quite a diverse cross-section of Americans!
Of course the president was whisked in, in a huge convoy, and didn’t dare show his face out on the street. There were a ridiculous amount of cops and security vehicles around. One wonders how much this visit will have cost San Francisco taxpayers, and whether Obama will be reimbursing the city for any of the costs of all this security out of the profits of the $35,800 per plate private dinner that he hosted in Pacific Heights.