Dear Reader,
As you’re considering where to give at year’s end, I hope you will think of all the inspiration — and challenges — World Can’t Wait brings to people. We stand firm in our mission to stop the crimes of our government and need your involvement in fulfilling that mission.
We are unafraid to take on the big issues of war and torture in the aftermath of 9/11, whether that requires "mic checking" Bush era war criminals (or the present-day politicians enabling great crimes), or debating military recruiters over the U.S. war on Afghanistan. An end-of-year donation from you will help make these projects possible:
► World Can’t Wait is committed to bringing at least 200 people to Washington DC on January 11, to form a human chain protesting the 10 year anniversary of the prison in Guantánamo, and continued indefinite detention of thousands of men by our government in Bagram Afghanistan.
What good will this action do?
We are making sure the people of this country can’t forget about the 2,771 still detained in Guantánamo and Bagram, demanding accountability for those who put this in motion, and sounding the alarm that these assualts on law and any sense of morality have escalated and will NOT go unopposed. This is a visual message to the world that we know is heard beyond the borders of this country.
It’s unacceptable for this anniversary to pass without an outcry from people living in the country that still holds people, against international law, indefinitely. We’re not only looking backward to the actions of the Bush regime, which must be held to account for these crimes. Bush’s "war on terror" is being continued and in large part expanded, by a willing Congress and administration. Measures included in the National Defense Authorization Act, now allow the US military to hold suspects indefinitely, without trial, including citizens within the country. The Obama administration, for its part, denies prisoners at Bagram rights to habeas corpus or legal representation.
► High school students and their teachers are waiting for the We Are Not Your Soldiers tour this spring. Recent promotion on Facebook brought more requests for veterans of the wars on Iraq & Afghanistan to speak in classrooms:
"There is quite a bit of recruitment in my school. Do schools seriously let you guys come? Cuz im thinking about asking my school if u could come…"
"Waking up American Students to ethics and morals of world issues. You are wonderful! Your competition: Hollywood, network TV, and recruiters who are no better than crack dealers."
Our work in reaching out to people, doing anti-war teach-ins at Occupy encampments, displaying replicas of Reaper drones in protest of the US wars, protesting racist, unconstitutional police and prison actions, is needed to clarify what’s just and unjust and part of developing the visible, firm resistance that puts humanity and the planet first. See some images from the past year. A regular World Can’t Wait sustainer who just renewed for 2012 wrote:
"As Chris Hedges points out in the Link TV video lecture "Calling All Rebels", every act of resistance, no matter how small is a small flicker in the darkness that gives hope to others in the darkness. Isolated both geographically here in East Texas, and physically, here in my apartment (which is why it makes no difference where I am), your messages are flickers in the darkness that give me hope as I trust my contributions (small thought they are) serve as flickers in your darkness."
Help hope grow by making a tax-deductible donation in support of resistance against U.S. wars and occupations.
Your donations can be tax-deductible. The world needs world can’t wait and we need you!
Debra Sweet, Director, The World Can’t Wait