Land of the free.
It sounds nice, doesn’t it?
Just don’t try to exercise said freedom. That can come with serious helpings of intimidation and punishment. Pepper spraying, clubbing, incarceration.
Actually, thanks to our United States Senate last week — with a stunning bipartisan vote of 93 to 7 — you now can get efficiently and LEGALLY “disappeared” for exercising your HERETOFORE constitutional freedoms. Free speech. Assembly, etc.
Meanwhile, the REAL terrorists continue to get plenty of mileage out of the faux-War on Terror. It comes in handy for removing the rights and securities of any citizenry, even ours.
Anyone with half a brain and a working conscience knows who the REAL terrorists are walking around, or rather being transported in private jets, limos, yachts, or in the case of our electees, taxpayer-enabled first class modes of transportation.
Economic and military terrorism have been linked for quite a while. This week, with the profound help of the US Senate, every inch of, as well as inhabitant of, the planet can now be officially considered a target to be captured, exploited, bullied, exterminated, detained by the US government. International and domestic laws are being flagrantly defied by our traitorous, oath-taking reps in what David Brooks recently labelled "POST-MORALITY AMERICA."
American karma has boomeranged back on us. Maybe not onto the truly deserving rat bastard ruling class elites and their pimped out politicians (of which there are a hell of a lot more coming out of their pimped out closets than even I reckoned on. Thursday’s 93 to 7 vote!). But surely karma is coming after those of us who to one degree or another have grown up with the sentimentalized myth of American exceptionalism. You know, the truth, justice and the American way stuff.
We average American civilians are just the NEWEST victims of the military-industrial-security- and I will add financial-complex. The enslaving matrix for us 99 percenters tightly woven by the heart of darkness, ever self-aggrandizing 1 percenters. The profits-over-people people.
We need to face down how much steeper the slippery slope to full-out oppression got this week. The fast hardening of soft fascism.
How long before just asserting even generalized, anti-war moral arguments will be deemed as enabling the ever-useful al Qaeda or Taliban or simply Islamist enemy? I’ll bet Senators Lindsey Graham and Joe Lieberman are already primed to arrest such serious people of conscience. Will those PATRIOTS for democracy (I mean the people of conscience, NOT Graham or Lieberman) who continually fight for justice, truth and the idealized American way be facing down militarized assaults and indefinite internments for criticizing our government reps who are so very deserving of criticism, censure and IMPEACHMENT!