Women from World Can’t Wait and Code Pink agitating and bannering from on top of plywood submarine at gate of Moffett Field. |
Silicon Valley, California. On Sunday Sept. 25, an emergency protest called by Code Pink Women for Peace, World Can’t Wait, and the ANSWER Coalition was at the gate of Moffett Field when Obama landed for a campaign fundraising trip here.
Obama’s motorcade took him right past our signs and shouts and banners, and the "Guantanamo prisoner" in jumpsuit, hood and chains. An activist from San Jose arrived with a pile of bold antiwar picket signs that covered the fence the motorcade drove right by. Some of the protesters climbed up on a large plywood fake submarine displayed at the Moffett Gate with our banners and bullhorn.
We shouted at the Commander-in-Chief as he drove past: "War Crimes are War Crimes No Matter Who Does Them!" "Ten Years of U.S. War Crimes in Afghanistan!" "Torture Is A War Crime!" “Drone Attacks – War Crimes!” "Got Security? Stop Drone Attacks!" "The War In Afghanistan Is Still Wrong!” "Obama, Obama, There’s blood on your hands — From Iraq and Libya to Afghanistan!"
In her White House press pool report, Carol Lee wrote about our demonstration: Some people were outside along the route from the airport to the highway, waving and snapping photos. There were also some anti-war protesters who held signs like, "Stop the wars," "The war in Afghanistan is still wrong," "Endless War" and "Afghanistan 10 years of war crimes."
Despite lack of mainstream press coverage, the action WAS covered by major Chinese language media (KTSF-TV, and key newspapers Sing Tao, World Journal, and Ming Pao). So, even if you can’t speak Chinese, get a sense of the protest as told to this audience from this KTSF news clip (Channel 26)
Sing Tao’s coverage:
Photos from Sing Tao: |
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奧巴馬來籌款 示威者難接近
( 本報記者王碩舸莫菲特基地報道 )
總統奧巴馬為明年競選連任前來美西地區吸金,昨日到訪灣區,今日會在南灣舉行社區大會。昨日下午接近6點,總統乘坐的空軍一號專機從西雅圖抵達山景城的莫 菲特基地(Moffett Field),南灣官員及一批民眾前往迎接。此前,反戰人士則在基地外抗議總統奧巴馬未有兌現競選承諾去結束長達10年的阿富汗戰爭。
反戰人士在莫菲特基地附近的國家太空總署(NASA)門外抗議,但人數不多。來自World can’t wait、Codepink等反戰團體的幾位人士在現場高舉標語,指奧巴馬沒有兌現其競選承諾,敦促他趕快從長達10年的阿富汗戰爭中撤軍,不要再誤導年 輕士兵、謀殺美國青年。抗議者不滿警員以「聯邦財產不允許抗議」為理由,讓示威者移步較偏僻處的停車場。
總統一行下機時,聖荷西市長喬克力(Chuck Reed)、山景城市長Jac Siegel及太空總署Ames中心主任Pete Worden還有大約70名民眾在機場迎接。奧巴馬花了幾分鐘與前來歡迎他的民眾和官員握手、簽名,之後就乘車前往籌款會場地。
據知,他昨晚先到Symantec總裁John Tompson在林邊市(Woodside)舉行的籌款會,之後又到Facebook營運長Sheryl Sandberg為他在Atherton舉行的籌款會。
…………(更多新聞,請閱 <<星島日報>>)