From World Can’t Wait, San Francisco
World Can’t Wait, Code Pink and others will meet-up at the corner of Sutter and Mason Streets at 6:00 PM to "greet" early arrivals with depictions of the realities of the War OF Terror Under Bush, and now Obama.
From the event website: "We are pleased to invite you to this year’s Lincoln Day Dinner, held at the Marines’ Memorial Club at 609 Sutter Street in San Francisco, on the tenth floor. This year, we are honored to have Professor John Yoo, former Bush administration appointee to the Office of White House Counsel [Ed. note: (and noted torture advocate)], as our keynote speaker. Cocktails and silent auction viewing starts at 6:00 PM. Dinner will start at 7:30 PM. and conclude by 9:30 PM. We invite attendees to repair after the dinner to the elegant Occidental Cigar Club at 471 Pine Street (off Belden Lane) a few blocks away to enjoy further conversation, cigars and brandy until 2 AM."
World Can’t Wait, Code Pink and others will meet-up at the corner of Sutter and Mason Streets at 6:00 PM to "greet" early arrivals with depictions of the realities of Bush, and now Obama’s, War OF Terror.
For more information click here: Lincoln Day Dinner.