See: where you can donate to his legal defense, and get involved with the Bradley Manning Support Network. Join savebradley on Facebook.Also: iam.bradleymanning.orgWrite to Bradley with your support:Bradley Manning 89289 Raise Your Voice for Bradley Manning June 4! |
We Stand With Bradley Manning
If Bradley Manning is the sources of any or all of the recent information about Afghanistan, Iraq and/or the "Collateral Murder" video released by Wikileaks, he is a hero. Whether or not he is the leaker, he should be released immediately.
For more background information, see Wikileaks reveals video showing US air crew shooting down Iraqi civilians and Army Intelligence Analyst Charged for Releasing Wikileaks Video: Killers Remain Free
Sign these statements:
* standwithbrad
* FireDogLake’s petition calling for an end to the inhumane treatment
* World Can’t Wait’s petition in support of Manning
* Avaaz: Stop Wikileaks Torture
News and Analysis:
Unprecedented efforts end torturous conditions, supporters vow to continue
Military moves to further isolate Bradley Manning with transfer to Kansas
Rep. Kucinich: Does Treatment of Pfc. Bradley Manning Constitute ‘Cruel and Unusual’ Treatment?
Calls for an end to Bradley Manning’s mistreatment: Military statements regarding Bradley Manning "patently false"
Video from protest at Quantico January 17.
More reports from Courage to Resist
Psychologist Organization Protests to Secretary Gates on Bradley Manning’s Solitary Confinement
More than 250 legal scholars publish an open letter in the New York Review of Books:
"There is no excuse for [Bradley Manning’s] degrading and inhumane pretrial punishment."
Rally in Support of Bradley Manning at Quantico, VA March 20:
The Bradley Manning Rally at the Quantico Marine Base from Mike Knish on Vimeo.