The Rising Wave of Repression Against Documenting Dissent and Police Misconduct
Friday, February 18, 2011 at 7pm
In CHICAGO at Tom Robinson Gallery (2416 North Avenue)
Forum with Gregory Koger, Chris Drew and their attorneys Jed Stone and Mark Weinberg. Both Gregory and Chris have been arrested for recording public acts of political dissent.
As cellphone video recording becomes easier and more popular, police and prosecutors are taking increasingly repressive steps to counteract the ability of everyday people – as well as independent and citizen journalists – to document police misconduct, political protest, and newsworthy events. Are you in danger of arrest, even a felony conviction, for pulling your cellphone out in public places to record the police, acts of political protest, or newsworthy events?
Come and learn how you can take a stand for our rights – and help make law enforcement accountable. Join us for a forum with Gregory Koger, Chris Drew and their attorneys, Jed Stone and Mark Weinberg. Both Gregory and Chris have been arrested for recording public acts of political protest.
Gregory Koger was arrested and sentenced to 300 days in jail for recording a speaker making a political statement with his cellphone before a public event at the Ethical Humanist Society of Chicago. He is currently out of jail on appeal bond after serving nearly 2 months of his sentence and continuing the legal battle by appealing his conviction.
Chris Drew has been accused of a felony crime for using an audio recorder whil being arrested for selling art for $1 on a public street. His story was featured in The New York Times on Jan 23. He faces up to 14 years in jail and is set to go to trial in early April.
More info at