From India Vision
The war in Afghanistan is immoral and illegal, says a member of the Veterans for Peace, adding "it is just making more enemies of the United States."
"The war in Afghanistan will not succeed militarily it is just making more enemies of the United States and it is immoral and illegal," Nate Goldschlag said in an interview with Press TV’s U.S. Desk on Friday.
Amid increased violence and bloodshed, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has approved yet another escalation of the war in Afghanistan, this time approving another 1,400 Marines who are expected to be sent to Afghanistan within a matter of weeks.
"The war in Afghanistan is going to be bleak for the United States, more and more Afghans are being killed, more and more Americans are being killed," Goldschlag added.
"The United States needs to get out immediately from Afghanistan."
The Afghanistan war was not authorized by the United Nations Security Council and many experts call it illegal under international law.
The U.S. Department of Defense employs over 112,000 "contractors" in Afghanistan including around 26,000 armed contractors who are in fact mercenaries. Thus, U.S.-employed contractors outnumber U.S. troops in Afghanistan.
The U.S. currently has around 100,000 troops in Afghanistan.
Since the 2001 U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan, more than 34,000 Afghan civilians have been killed in the country as a result of the war.
By the end of 2010, the war had resulted in 2,281 coalition casualties, including 1,445 American deaths. U.S. fatalities in 2010 (711) accounted for nearly half of all U.S. deaths since the war began over nine years ago, according to iCasualties.
UNAMA reports that 2010 was the bloodiest year since the war began in terms of the civilian death toll.
Half of the people on this site are using words they do not know the meaning of or are applying them in appropriatley. First, the Afghan war is LEGAL because the Taliban, the government of Afghanistan at the time, gave refuge to Al Qaeda, so there for they were harboring terrorists, which puts them in the same group as Al Qaeda and there for puts a target \”right fully\” on their head. Secondly, out of over 200 members of the UN, the Taliban\’s Afghanistan was recognized by just three countries: Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and the United Arab Emirates. That does not count as a independant nation when only 3 out of 200 countries recognize you, especially when you seized power like the Taliban did. There for you should not need clearence from the UN \”which is anti American\”. Thirdly, the war in Afghanistan is not about spreading democracy \”that is the Afghan peoples job\” it is about getting the SOB\’s who are responsible for 9/11. The only thing that should matter is destroying Al Qaeda and killing as many of their operatives as possible. These people are socio paths who would kill you if given the chance, don\’t be fooled by their sob stories as so many bleeding heart liberals often do. Leave the middle east after Osama bin Laden and his crew are all six feet under. As for Iran, keep in line and we will continue to allow you to exist.