Right-wingers are gathering at "ground zero" in NYC to oppose the "Park51 Islamic Community Center" on Saturday, September 11th. Not only are they there to say "no mosque" but the message is clearly anti-Muslim, and worse, violence to all Islam, promoted by the likes of Geert Wilders, the Dutch politician who will speak there.
In NYC, we have called for a counter-protest at 1PM not far from the location where the haters will be gathering. More information at stopislamophobia.org.
Across the country, right wing radio and preachers have been whipping up a new wave of virulent hatred of Muslim people – at a time when the war in Afghanistan is escalating. One preacher in Gainesville, FL has announced he will publicly burn a Quran on Saturday. General Petraeus says he shouldn’t do this because it will "hurt the war effort." We say this is what the war is all about – and we’re against it!
This Saturday, Sept. 11th, join us in saying Grief is No Excuse for Bigotry and War. Hold events to spread this message wherever you are and write about what you plan and what happens.
Today, also open your mind to what really happened on 9/11. Ask about building 7. I wish I could be at ground zero today supporting the truth. There’s something called 911 Truth. We must recognize all truth’s
note: according to that website, the protest starts at 12:30 pm, not 1.