I continue to be horrified at both the blatancy of these crimes committed by our government – under both Bush and Obama – as well as the complacency of the American public at large about them… How can any one possibly claim to be proud to be an American at this point? Julianne Jaz
When crimes are committed, investigations, possible prosecutions,and trials must follow. There is no ifs and buts and about it. When Obama does not look backwards, that is obstruction of justice, a criminal offense. Bijan Afshartous
Disappointed in many aspects of the Obama Administration, particularly in the handling of theBush Administration crimes and the continuance of the wars in
We need to prosecute anyone quilty of crimes against humanity. Susan Smiley
Where are the law enforcement officers? Can’t anyone with a badge arrest these uber-criminals? Certainly there’s enough evidence for an arrest. Why can’t any prosecuting attorney bring charges againstthem? How does holding public office exempt these people from the law? John Daviso
Let us defend and preserve what the founders of this nation fought and died for, which was liberty for all. Let us end this tyranny brought to us by those who hypocritically propose an end to war, yet wage their terror at every opportunity. John Dunne
I will go to court on June 7th 2010 and face 2 years in jail for trying to arrest war criminal G W Bush in
I do not believe we can fight a "war on terror" while simultaneously committing acts of terrorism. With the slaughter of every single innocent civilian, the
I am a
As military invaders and occupiers of sovereign countries that did not attack us, we are prima facie war criminals, waging de facto wars on civilian populations that resent and resist our presence. William Bacon
Obama has quickly become the most disappointing president in my lifetime. Peter Mark
The known facts of illegal invasions and occupations are abundantly clear: the
No free pass for supposed good intentions. Obama’s actions, and the citizens acceptance of them are putting the Republic at great risk. Dan DeWalt
We will not be silent. Barbara Glassman
Slaughtering innocent civilians is NOT something I support and the people who are doing this routinely are NOT people I support. This is one of many reasons I do not have one of those stupid "suppor tthe troops" magnets on my car. Pamela Malcolm
What Constitution were you teaching and representing when you were a lawyer? Certainly, not ours. What you are doing is outrageous! We need to add you to the growing impeachment list! Zora L. Kolkey, MFT
You all will never get to try bush for war crimes….sucks for you good for america hahahahahahaha
In your post the author has stated that they are not looking for a communist country….. well why does the website Admin of this site have a Tattoo of Mao Tse Tung on his back….. you people have no clue…. The Meek will inherit the earth and your fight to fix America is a futile effort until the Isreali & Muslim struggle is completed and finished….. Ya\’ll are hypocryts! Grow a pair of Balls and leave my comments up and see what others say to them…. There are many secret societies that pull the strings that make the president do what they do…. I\’ll drop one family last name whom since The Battle at Waterloo has back both sides of every war for their own monitary gain…. Your tarketing the Political Powers when you should be removing the pupet masters behind the scene\’s pulling the strings. Learn your history on the Rothschild Family and you will see just one of the many families who are apart of the elitist societies who instigate war, fund it and then make insane ammounts of money off of it.
I’m still scratching my head on what ya’ll see wrong with The Bush’s…. What about the crap Clinton did in the presidents seat… wait a moment lets back step a little to the time when good ole Bill was in Arkansas…. There were many people who opposed him and many of those people ended up dead….. One in particularly strange was a man that was in Clinton’s way that somehow commited suicide on the edge of a river/lake area…. the funny thing is that the entry wound was on the top back of the skull, resembling an execution. Nobody asked Clinton a Goddamn thing…. he ended up in the presidents seat gettin his thing on with whatever girls he could pursuade…. The man made a mockery of the entire united states government, the man made deals with the people Bush calls Terrorists. And Bush calls them terrorists because they gave ultimatums on what Clinton had agreed uppon…. Bush said basicly Or Else What? by not acknowledging them and their threats. And when they did finally grow a hairy sack and decide to make Martyrdom missions on America Bush struck back… the same exact way we delt with the martyrdom kamakazi Japanese Zero flight pilots that sunk our navy in Pearl Harbor. We nuked their ass, but still today the oil is leaking from the sunken ship…. Japanese people are allowed to walk upto the site at Pearl Harbor and point and laugh at the American losses. It is so difficult for me to even try and begin to speak with people who come from other countries to pose as Citizen’s of America in order to cast a vote in hopes to help their country where they came from and not giving a god damn about America or it’s citizen’s….. That is what this is all about…. I live in Texas and here we are allowed to Sucede from this crap hole that all the democrats are constantly putting us in. And if you’re going to come over here and tell us Bush was wrong then go ahead and tell us all that Eisenhower is crap too since he nooked the Japs…. NO. And all the people who are not natural US citizen’s especially those who are of Muslim or Asian descent who thinks their country is soooo much better and that Socialism and Communism are the way to go, then Move the Hell back! In the end the Muslims and Jews will have to pay for their acts against God, Allah, Elohim, Shemhemphorash or whatever the names are for their dieties….. This shits been going on since biblical times… The Muslim nation was built from an adultering maid who slept with a King Abraham and had his illigitimate son in the desert where he kicked sand till there was water when she tried to abondon him to save her own life, and then we have Jocab of Abraham who used God’s gift of Quantum Mechanics he received in a dream and then used to steal 90% of his masters healthy first born flock…. Jacob then used the extra capital he made to go in with Moses and Finance the freedom of the Jews from Egypt…. but did you happen to know Egypt never had Prisons…. they took their theives, murderers, ect. and put them to work on endless pyramid projects… So Jacob basicly stole from Leban and pulled a massive Prison Break for the Jews and gave Moses the credit, because Moses’ grandfather Enoch gave him Pharoh’s staff… Enoch walked with GOD… Pharoh means GOD. Let these two religions fight amoungst themselves, when the bring that crap to our door then we shoot. Amen-Ra Amen-Re F-U Have a nice day is what I’d say!
OBama should have been empeached as soon as he got into office, having his Aunt as a known illegal alien is illegal period. Also the war on Terror was lost by the American populous as soon as a Muslim was put in the President’s seat to negotiate with the Muslim’s that claim holy war on America…. so basicly their act’s of Terrorism on 9/11 was their meathod of purchasing the first Muslim President…. in the Koran Martyrdom is not only look up to but is also rewarded… and once you’re a Muslim you cannot just drop out. You are a Muslim until death. This country was founded by Freemason’s and I happen to be direct blood lineage from a signer of the Damned constitution and named after my great grandfather who was a Knight’s Templar Freemason 33rd Degree York Rite and a Judge in Oklahoma… Other nations see us as Terrorist because we are in a strugle to keep all the other nations from cutting off our energy supplies, after that occurs the old school war tactics begin, cut off water and food supply due to lack of energy to maintain it and ship it to where it has to go to feed the Americans… while all the other Nations think we’re evil, power hungery, greedy people who love killing more than anything else. Yet the same issues come up. Who gets Jeruselum. the Muslims have already built a Mosq on top of King Soloman’s Temple degrading that site…. Jerusilum or however it’s spelled isn’t worth the drit under my shoe for all I’m concerned. You carrie Christ in your Heart and a GodDamned American Flag on your sholder if you know where the True Holy Land is…. America.
I became a citizen in 2007 so that I could vote for a Democrat and thus see the end of the Bush era. I voted for Obama. I am so disappointed in this decision not to end the war. It feels as if it was all for nothing. what do we do now? I have gone to every anti-war rally I can. I was at West Point academy the night he told the nation that he was sending troops to Afghanistan. I was so disappointed in him. He is not the man I thought he was going to be.