In times such as these, of grave danger and trouble, people can go in one of two directions.
They can cling to outmoded notions, as windstorms swirl around their heads, seeking illusory comfort and pseudo-safety in any sanctuary they can find.
When false prophets speak in fancy phrases, promising that all will be well, “just trust us,” when all is clearly not well and, in fact, deteriorating,
It is vital that people with a defiant spirit step forward, calling forth the best from themselves and from others, so that the people may rise to the occasion, and we sweep these monsters and goblins from history’s stage.
Such are our times.
Such are the stakes.
Join, support, fund, a group that since 2005 at its founding has proved its mettle in the fight for justice and accountability, for truth against those who are casting darkness over all of us, for the independent power of the people as a force to be reckoned with, not waylaid by the chilling embrace of the very system and parties that have brought us to this awful place.
Join, support, fund World Can’t Wait.