By Cindy Sheehan
I guess to the Nobel Peace Prize Committee it means presiding over the further destruction of the population of three countries that didn’t harm anyone.
I guess it means voting for every war-funding bill while one is a Senator.
I guess it means continuing the use of the obscene and immoral drones.
I guess it means continuing torture and building larger prisons to pre-emptively and indefinitely detain suspected “terrorists.”
I guess it means using the politics of fear to justify your wars. “Afghanistan is a war of necessity.” “There are still people in the world who want to hurt Americans.”
I guess it means increasing your military budget.
I guess it means paying back your donors on Wall Street and in the insurance companies to profoundly harm people in your own country.
I guess it means hiring hostile people like Hillary Clinton, Robert Gates, Stanley McChrystal and Petraeus.
I guess it means extending the damaging embargo on Cuba and threatening “crippling economic sanctions” for Iran.
I guess since the committee awarded the prize to Jimmy Carter who gave rise to the Taliban and al Qaeda in Iran giving billions to those who fought against the USSR (talk about Blowback), it tells the people of Afghanistan if you are killed, we will give your killer the Nobel Peace Prize.
Jesus Christ, why didn’t they just give it to George Bush?
The US Peace Movement was put on life support with the election of Democrats. I hope now that we have a president who is just a tool of the war machine AND a Nobel Peace Laureate that it hasn’t put the final nail in the coffin of the Peace Movement.
Peace to us means, not just an absence of war but, an absence of preparing for war.
Peace to us means that innocent people won’t suffer for profit.
I guess to the Establishment: War is Peace.
History clearly shows that the real architects of world policy (38 corporations) have financed both “sides” of every conflict since WWI. ( Sadaam, bin Laden, ISI – ALL ON CIA payroll. Yep – we paid for our enemies to get a head start. Follow the money to Goldman Sachs, that is still waging an economic 911 on this country as we sleep.
Legitimate military ( not civilian) leadership has claimed repeatedly that there is no military solution in Iraq or Afghanistan. It doesn’t make sense to drain ourselves economically to continue trying to occupy sovereign nations. The Russians went bankrupt trying to do it, and we are doing the same thing. What about the needs of our own country?
Closing bases in America, and sending all our troops overseas to spread death, does not make us safer.
Sound bites like “vacuum ” and “anarchy”, are comfortable myths usually told by folks who were never in the military service, but by folks who watch tv to get their “news.”
Waging war on innocent people is criminal.
Doesn’t matter WHO is doing it – the Chinese, Russians, Queen of England, the Pope, America… whoever. War is calculated, state-sponsored terrorism and a crime against humanity.
Yeah! Let’s pull all of our troops out of everywhere and watch what happens when the sudden vacuum of global leadership ushers in a new world era of pure evil crack-pot dictators like Sadaam Hussein (if we’re lucky) and pure anarchy (if we’re not). Actually, neither will happen … anywhere we pull out of will be quickly filled by the Russians and Chinese or their surrogates, who have shown a great interest in promoting human rights over the years … right? Do you guys pay any attention to history or is this “living in the moment and forget lessons of the past” attitude what gets your blood pumping in the morning? It’s a good thing nobody really listens to you.
this sucks
Will he remain the Nobel Peace Prize winner who REFUSES to meet with peace activists?? Will he promise to do everything to prevent war against Iran, including telling Israel he will not support any Israeli attack and might even cut off the aid?? Inquiring peace activists want to know. 🙂
In response to #4, I voted for Cynthia McKinney because I knew that Democrats and Republicans love war. It was the first time I ever voted for a Green Party candidate, and if I had to do it all over again, I would.
Think back to the 2004 elections. You had a pro-war Republican (Bush) versus a pro-war Democrat (Kerry). I didn’t really care about that “both are Skull & Bones” and “Bush and Kerry are cousins” stuff because those issues are irrelevant compared to the fact that both are/were warmongers and supported perpetual war.
I’m glad there is such a thing as The World Can’t Wait. It’s really good to see an organization which says “Say no to war even if a Democrat is president”, as opposed to Code Pink who has been exposed as a “Say no to war unless a Democrat is president” fake antiwar group.
The Nobel Committee cited Obama’s
“extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and co-operation between peoples…” Great. But what’s he accomplished other than to continue the perpetual ‘War on Terror’ and its associated policy of rendition, curry favor with the predators on Wall Street, and everything else mentioned in Cindy’s article?
This prize was more a slap in the face to the neo-con agenda than to acknowledge anything Obama has actually done to earn it.
Lines from George Orwell : that’s what they are, whether you’ve read him or not. Every word means its near-opposite.
And for working against nuclear proliferation. The irony of that has to be understood to be appreciated.
Take a look at the Wikipedia entry about the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, paying special attention to the Third Pillar.
Why would Iran have signed the NPT ?
For that matter, does any sane person believe the representations of the nuclear armed powers that fuel and technology from the people who raised such holy Hell about ICBMs in Turkey back in JFK’s days by siting more in Cuba are today minded to provide a threat to themselves while the U.S.A. plays silly buggers about putting missiles near Russia under the pretext of warding off ‘rogue elements’ ?
The Russians know the Rogue Element. It’s called Israel, and is pushed and aided by the U.S.A. and to a lesser extent, the U.K.
From Collections Forwarded to Blogger at
I’ll use the ‘Perception Alteration’ entry and choose you a confusion chaser. There are many more, especially at icinio and Orwell Today.
This looks like another politically timed event to distract the
public by glorifying an unproven “leader,” while he continues draining our economy into the “investment” of state sponsored, calculated terrorism, aka/war.
Our country does not support war. We didn’t when Cheyney ran the country, and we don’t now. Why does this president also want to kill the innocent people of Afghanistan, Iraq, Honduras, Pakistan? Where’s the change Bro? Hey Obama, Bring our troops home to their families!!!, and end the Vietnams – for God’s sakes. It’s not rocket science. If we want a peaceful and just world, we need to stop engaging in terrorism!! and selling weapons to desperate hungry people. We are setting a miserable example with our use of wmd’s, torture policies, indefinite detentions, wiretapping, punishing free speech and peaceful assembly, etc.
Please just look at the Constitution Article 1; Section 8 (12)
“To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer term than 2 years.”
Are the soldiers fighting for our Constitution, or for oil companies? Did every civil servant, police officer, politician swear to uphold, protect, and defend our Constitution or not? We are Republic built on laws and not kings. Kings tend to become tyrannical. That is Un American.
War highlights the very lowest and worst qualities in human behavior. Mr. Obama, bought politician, does not seem honestly in the realm of getting a prize for peace.
Cynthia McKinney would have been a much more credible choice. She actually walks the talk.
No war is a good war.
Give me a break. When do we understand that the Nobel Committee are a bunch of status quo idiots who kiss the heinies of other status quo warmongers ?
Cindy, all of us must keep strong, and keep the pressure on our local communities to not let up on our government officials. This must be our reaction to them, when they think that the status quo is the easy way out. Social justice and equality has never been easy to achieve, and we must keep fighting. It is the only way out for our country/world.
+10000000000000, Cindy!