By Larry Jones
"The murder of Dr. [George] Tiller is an affront to every moral system imaginable,” said the Rev. Barry W. Lynn, of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. Yet anti-choice ideologues say the bible justifies what normal people call a MONSTROUS CRIME. Even if it did, in my opinion, the bible is not some infallible writing from a non-existent god and should not be our guide for morality.
Yet, Randall Terry, founder of Operation Rescue, piously proclaims that "George Tiller was a mass-murderer. We grieve for him that he did not have time to properly prepare his soul to face God.” This wingnut has turned grieving into an attack on an heroic doctor whose life was dedicated to giving good medical care to women.
Scott Roeder is the man whom authorities think shot Tiller and whom they arrested in Merriam, Kansas. He was once a subscriber and occasional contributor to a newsletter, Prayer and Action News, said Dave Leach, an anti-abortion activist who runs the newsletter. Mr. Leach said that he had met Roeder once, and that Roeder had described
similar views to his own on abortion.
Leach tried to distance himself and his newsletter from Roeder and his murder, but he stated that: “To call this a crime is too simplistic. There is Christian scripture that would support this."
For the sake of argument, let’s pretend that the bible is the moral authority for humanity. This is an outrageous assumption, since the bible is filled with abominable treachery and justification for rape, murder, baby killing, and a bloody list of other horrors. Biblical law orders You SHALL KILL people for committing such offenses as cursing one's father or mother (Ex. 21:17), for being a "stubborn son" (Deut. 21:18-21), for being a homosexual (Lev. 20:13), or even for picking up sticks on the Sabbath (Numbers 15:32-35)! As the
Freedom from Religion Foundation site states: “Far from protecting the sanctity of life, the bible promotes capital punishment for conduct which no civilized person or nation would regard as criminal.” See the Freedom from Religion Foundation website.
Nevertheless, here are some of the verses the supporters of doctor killers use. Exodus 21:22-25. Talks about what happens if men are physically fighting and a pregnant woman nearby is injured and has a miscarriage and presumably the baby is all right, The one who caused the injury shall pay a fine to the husband. But if “any harm follows’ and presumably the fetus is born dead, “then you shall give life for life,” e.g., the death penalty. This interpretation is an enormous reach of the literal meaning of the passage, yet that’s what anti-abortionist bible “scholars,” like Jim Rudd do.
The bible doesn’t actually deal with the real issue of abortion. The word never appears in any translation whatsoever. Oh, the anti-woman anti-choice Christian fascists twist a lot of verses to their purpose and cite the commandment “You shall not murder,” Deuteronomy 5:17 and Exodus 20:13, and then they give all-out support to the American military’s murder of hundreds of thousands of people in Iraq and Afghanistan, large numbers of them civilians. They are contemptible hypocrites who should be openly and spectacularly opposed by all thinking people.
These people begin with the apriori assumption that a fertilized human egg is a person. But it’s interesting that the bible itself says that life begins when a newborn first breathes. Genesis 2:7 says that “God formed man from the dust of the ground [it had just rained, so read mud instead of dust], and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being.” So, according to that particular biblical myth, we become persons when we take our first breath.
Unfortunately that myth goes on to say that woman was made out of man’s rib where she became subservient to him. There was no feminist movement back then. Of course there never really was a garden of Eden.
It is truly ironic that Dr. Tiller’s murderer chose a church to do his dastardly deed. Tiller belonged to the Wichita, Kansas, Church of the Reformation, which in turn is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. ELCA is far more liberal than the fundamentalist Missouri Synod Lutheran Church, yet they have not taken a stand for or against abortion. But Tiller’s church gave him strong support and thus appears to be pro-choice. That he died virtually in the arms of those who loved him makes the tragedy even more excruciating.
Pro-choice religious people and Christian fascists are at odds with each other on this and almost every other social issue and between them there can be no compromise on the issue of abortion, despite Obama’s attempts at conciliation. World Can’t Wait has united with open minded and progressive church people and we seek to continually broaden that unity. But we will continue to expose and oppose those who want to go back to the bible or the Dark Ages and continue to oppress women.
As the video here shows, hundreds came to a demonstration in Wichita to honor Tiller. A few protestors showed up on the other side of the street, along with dozens of cops. George Tiller’s death should spur on all of us who call for abortion on demand and with no apology.
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I just wanted anyone’s opinion on if I was in the wrong here, and what any of you guys would have done in this situation. So my wife is quite liberal and I’m more on the conservative side, and she’s about 3 months pregnant. She can’t work right now, so I’ve been forced to support her as of late. The thing is that about a week ago she started asking me if she could borrow $400, and being pretty secretive about the reason why. I soon found out that $400 was the average cost of a back alley abortion, which is ridiculous considering that she knows how vehemently pro-life I am. After refusing to give her the money and the countless hours of arguing that ensued, I ended up making a comment about how if she wanted to do something liberal with $400, she should take advantage of Obummer’s “ HughesNet Recovery Act,” so that “instead of murdering our kid, he can have satellite internet at a smashing price!” (I linked it so you can actually see it’s about $400 in taxpayer money that our President chose to waste on this s**t, aren’t I so funny hah). The messed up part is that she went and told her dad, who happens to be just as liberal as her, and who also happens to own the house that we’re renting. To make a long story short, my tenancy has been “suspended” from his house (I’m now staying at my buddy’s place until this thing blows over) and he gave her the money to get the abortion. I haven’t talked to her in almost a week, so it’s pretty safe to say that she has already gone through with it. So my question is, do you think I was being inappropriate for mocking my wife and father in law’s political ideologies, or do you think I’m being unfairly persecuted because of my relative conservatism, and the Obummer joke I made has little to nothing to do with this? I’m thinking the latter.
Let me start off by saying that I am a devout Christian, and therefore I believe in the ultimate truth of the Bible, but let’s sit here for a minute and assume that I am completely wrong. In fact, let’s assume that there is no god at all. What will happen to me? Simple: I will die and become part of the earth. My fate will reflect that of the atheists.
Now let’s assume that I am right, that there is a god and that the Bible is true. When I die I will go to heaven and all of the atheists will not.
And what will I miss out on? A little premarital sex, drugs and alcohol? I’m more than willing to sacrifice these things which can only yield far worse negative consequences than positive.
How can you not believe that a baby is “a person” when he or she is conceived? So what if the child is still developing, the point is, that if left to a natural progression of events, the child WILL be born. Did you know that a child’s heart beats on its own accord as little as 18 days into a pregnancy. Saying a conceived child isn’t a person is tantamount to saying that a toddler isn’t a child either because he or she is still developing.
I implore you to answer me this question: what is the difference between a child who has been born and the same child an hour before when he or she was still in his or her mother’s womb?
I must also insist that you use a different verse if you want to attempt to prove that a person is a person only when he or she has breathed, for the verse says that God indeed formed the man and made the man a living being.
Attention must be drawn to two things here: one, Adam was not formed within the womb of a mother, so he was created under special, nonrepeatable methods and cannot be used for the aforementioned argument, and two, since God made Adam, we can assume that God makes all people, therefore intentionally destroying the human creation that God has bestowed upon the world is no different from personally slapping God in the face.
If an unborn child is not a person, then please explain to me why a person can be charged with homicide for causing death of an unborn child under federal Public Law 108-212 aka the Unborn Victims of Violence Act?
As far as abortion versus war goes, I think that we can agree that a child is an innocent being (the younger the more innocent) and that Saddam Hussein is far from innocent.
What harm has an unborn child ever done? And I shouldn’t need to remind you that, according to Ronald Hilton of Stanford University, Saddam Hussein is responsible for the death of over 600,000 of his own citizens during his 24-year reign.
Quite a difference. “Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins — James 4:17.” Would you agree with that?
The death of Tiller is regrettable, bit with his death comes the good that will result with the life of Tiller’s would-be-victims.