This Thursday, April 23rd, 5:00 p.m., come to a public gathering at the Spanish Consulate to the United Nations with a message from people here: PROSECUTE the torture team! It is located at
While a group gathers outside the Consulate, a delegation will deliver a letter to the people of
A waterboarding demonstration will also take place.
Sign the Petition to the Spanish people: Help the World Prosecute Bush War Crimes!
Torture is a war crime and must be enforced, if not by the US government, then by international courts.
Ford said after Watergate our nightmare was over. America went back to sleep like good little children. Oli North sold drugs and guns to promote war, now he is t.v. pundit with Gordon Liddy, while we shopped and got our nails done, and clinton got a blow-job rather than try to prosecute. Hey, who is Monica blowing now? Isn’t that what we care about? We don’t want to solve big problems. We’re good germans who didn’t know our free press was bought up bu acouple of corperations, so how could we know while our newspappers folded, unread. Jeez, even the comic book Watchmen called it, we’ll keep re-electing Nixons and hope 9-11 will bring us all together, right? It’s not our fault, we’re young and our schools teach creationism. Let God fix it, Allah u akbar!!! Or would you like to imagine a world of your, our making??
Thanks for doing this.
Please sign the rest of the Torture Petitions.
Torture – I can’t even put in words why this is so wrong. It’s sickening. Even though Bush and his administration is out. We must keep fighting no matter how long it takes to see them come to justice. I will NEVER give up this fight for what they have done.
Torture – I can’t even put in words why this is so wrong. It’s sickening. Even though Bush and his administration is out. We must keep fighting no matter how long it takes to see them come to justice. I will NEVER give up this fight for what they have done.
We could be a bunch of barbarians fighting it out until the bitter end. We are, however, the United States of America with a Constitutional Democracy built out of an ethical, spritual, and religious cultural origin, that fueled the United Nations itself and international law.
Call it responsibility, for our origins and for reality, both feed into the consequences. What is Homeland Security in a Democracy, anyway? No justice, no democracy.
Coalitions need to be built, created that will stretch across perceived boundaries, political,spiritual boundaries must be overlooked as well as geographical locations.
We need to use the internet to combine, lock arms & ideas to fight these atrocities. Anything less is to do nothing,
& all we will have accomplished is rehashing what we know is wrong & we will be very ineffectual, wasting, time & energy & accomplishing zero
For the sake of those tortured, and for the sake of the Geneva Conventions, I hope and pray Spain sees this as an issue of justice, not politics. The Obama Administration is struggling with this very problem, but if Spain pursues Justice, it will send a huge message to President Obama that the world wants JUSTICE, and he has to have the courage to set politics aside. The political wranglings of DC will pale in historical comparison to the precedent set if Spain and the U.S. focus on Justice for Spanish torture victims, U.S. torture victims, and the detainees the U.S. has tortured. Every act of torture makes a mockery of democracy, the Geneva Conventions, and the U.S. Constitution.
to demonstrate that USA has moved away from the deceitful, bullying and inhumane treatment dealt out during the past decade, to offer some consolation to victims, to discourage future barbarism, and to move closer to its self-professed image as a beacon of democratic values
Listen to the voices of politicians that condemn other nations, any nation, that commit atrocious crimes against humanity.
Now listen to the voices of world citizens that condemn the behaviors of any politician allowed to escape national and international law.
Collectively, the morals, values and the will of the people must come together to overcome the travesties of governments–any government.
The U.S. Constitution and constitutions around the world will lose their clarity of meaning if the de facto practice of the rule of law is that it doesn’t apply to high level government officials whenever there is a lack of political will to prosecute. Failure to prosecute in this instance, when the evidence is so compelling, will further open the door to corruption and human rights abuses in the U.S. during future administrations and elsewhere around the world where people observe our example. It risks further bluring the line between occasional instances of government misconduct and the potential wide-spread practice of it. Failure to prosecute in this instance will look like hypocracy whenever we try to prosecute others, whether government officials or non-government individuals, as we have in the past. Failure to put precise limits on what the Bush Administration contends to be the “implied powers of the President” will assure that implication is open ended for abuses beyond what we have thusfar seen, and that future administrations, whether well-intentioned or not, are likely to exploit in ways detrimental to civil liberties and human rights. Failure to prosecute torture in this obvious instance will guarantee that torture will be threatened more frequently by rougue officials at all levels of corrupt foreign governments (from Presidents down to border guards shaking people down for bribes) such that our military, expatriots and travelers to foreign lands will be less safe.
If the material perpetrators of these crimes are not prosecuted then we can no longer lay any claim that the United States of America is a nation that is based on the rule of law. If torture of human beings is tolerated, especially in such a wide-spread and premeditated manner, than how can any criminals be held accountable for anything that they do. Failure to prosecute renders all of our laws meaningless for all intents and purposes.
Lastly, prosecution is the best chance to we have to discover and make public any ancillary and/or related crimes that we currently do not even know about. A public disclosure of the truth is the best chance we have to restore democracy in this country.
Please help restore the rule of law, including adherence to the basic minimum guarantees of the Geneva Convention.
You know what really amazes me, the sheer denial of those who want to believe that they are going to get somethig completely different from this new administration & their undying willingness to blame, blame,blame the Bush administration soley for the mess we are seeing. The truth of the matter is that we are looking at a seamless continuation of the same racist/mysoginist/murderous policies of the outgoing administration.
Another thing that people seem to have a real issue with is Obama’s color & his “inability to carry on the same types of polcies”. Look he is a polished politian who if anyone listened to his interview with Tom Brokaw & many others, sounded strikingly like McCain. How is this guy different?
Aboriginal/Native people are alarmed because during his inaugaral speech he spoke of the need to dissolved tribal lines. What does this mean to our sovereingty? & again, how does this desire to “make us all one america, differ in any way to the other racist administrations?
People need to wake up & fast.
Now we can either say we can push him to do the right thing, he stated he wanted just that, but we need to analyze if this is truly what he means, does he really intend to do anything different, or is this just lip service?
What does it mean to the left or far left of left?
Does it mean we want on him to create better polcies, or do we create our own?
Can he be trusted? I think that is the point & this latest stunt of his with not prosecuting the torturers.
These people must be tried and punished because their total disregard of laws and moral principles have already begun to change the standards of ethical behavior in our country. Morality is a very practical basis for society; without acceptable high standards, it can no longer function, it will disintegrate into an anarchy of brute force.
The Bush Administration crimes are universal and absolute – crimes against humanity. The world dies a little each time crimes of this nature are allowed to happen. We must prosecute the criminals who commit these crimes, or Justice and Nature will punish us all.
If you can believe that greed is good, that it’ll all trickle down, then you can believe that some people “earn” millions of dollars in salary while other people “earn” a wage that you can’t pay rent and eat on. Then, you can believe that unfairness is ok, then you can believe that you have the right to force people to go along with your agenda, then you can beleive that freedom and justice are sort of a joke, then you can believe that torture is ok.
The act of going into what is called south america, central america, the amazon, not just with the United States knowlege, but with their participation, is a reminder that the attacks against us as indigenous people not only remain intact, but continue as they always have.
This act of torture, is just one more example of the way this government wishes to erradicate us from the earth
The Spanish people should be very familiar with the pangs of torture, having suffered with the Spanish Inquisition for too long.
“THURSDAY we are going to be outside the Spanish consulate to the United Nations, doing a live water-boarding”
wtf, surely that can’t be what it sounds like!? Not a *real* waterboarding?
War crimes must be prosecuted even if the government that commits those crimes refuses to do so.
The ongoing failure of Holder to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate and indict is a disgrace.
It also underscores the purely cosmetic differences between Obama and Bush. By failing to hold war criminals to account Obama himself becomes one; to say nothing of his continued prosecution of the illegal, immoral and insane war OF terror.
I condemn the crimes of the Bush gang and ongoing crimes of the Obama gang.
Do not let the war criminals go free.
Releasing the memos wouldn’t do any more damage than the videos and photos of those being tortured and humiliated. Those lying lawyers knew they were doing something wrong when they had to justify torture with an air of legality. There are other methods of extracting information. These characters want to maintain a constant hatred of America in order to justify their existence to keep us afraid and paranoid. It’s all a pack of lies, just like 9/11.
For eight years the American government acted against my wishes and committed atrocities in my name.
While I implored the United Nations and other world organizations to stop them for years, no one came forward. The American people were left to their own ineffective devices, while the American government operated with impudence against it’s own people’s wishes.
Through their machinations, they changed our laws to further their agendas, bringing their own citizens to their knees; many of us learned to fear their power. One result was that we lost our rights, finally growing afraid to protest, lest we disappear. Elections were stolen and people were appointed who helped make it impossible for our democracy to function properly and reasonably. As much as we tried to stop them, we learned had no voice.
For eight years they deceived their own people AND the world. They forced us into wars and conflicts which have caused caos and destruction that continues to this day. Countless people have died and suffered for their sins. By usurping international laws, breaking treaties, and refusing to join the ICC, they effectively set the stage to operate on their own terms without fear of reprisal. Now, although they have been voted out of office, they continue by trying to undermine our new government. They must be stopped.
The time has come to bring them to justice.
No one should be above the law. Unfortunately, their political machine remains too strong for America to prosecute them. This is sadly evident; they remain too powerful and influential. Their supporters are so deluded, there’s a strong possiblility that they will heed the subliminal messages leading to civil unrest across out Nation.
I firmly believe that the most effective way to successfully prosecute the former administration is through foreign courts, outside of the influence of those American politicians, judges, crafty lawyers and lobbyists that remain loyal to them.
If the world fails to help bring them to justice, it is only a matter of time that they will regain power.
God help all of us if this ever happens.
It’s time to come clean!
Is it really torture if we redefine it as harsh interrogations? Yes.
Is it torture-light if we don’t cause permanent physical or mental damage. No it’s still torture, get used to calling it what it is.
Neo Con job: reframe the debate by using the words “harsh interrogation” or anything other than TORTURE.
Nuremberg for Neo-cons!!
People who abuse that much power should never be allowed be in office. Too many of our citizens are looking for some resolution to this assault to our nations integrity by a band of traitors that had hijacked Washington to pursue a personal agenda based on fear and deceipt. We will never be able to resume a position at the top of the world’s governments as long as we continue to cover up this blemish on our country’s integrity. Bring them to justice ……… then hang them, including Bush.
Bush and Cheney should be hung and shot to death for Torture and crimes against the American people and the World in general. They must pay for their crimes.
Torture cannot be tolerated anywhere in the world. A serious investigation of the crimes designed by officials in the Bush/Cheney administration must be investigated.