In a post to the Contra Costa Times over the weekend, UC Berkeley’s School of Law Dean, Christopher Edley confirmed his determination to shield "Torture Professor" John Yoo from accountability for well documented crimes against humanity. Edley’s misapplication of an "academic freedom" defense not only enables UC to continue harboring a known war criminal against community wishes, but calls into question the Dean’s motivation for protecting John Yoo.
Faculty, student and alumni calls for disciplinary actions are not based on what Yoo said, they are based on what he did. UC Berkeley’s code of conduct provides for dismissal pursuant to criminal conviction. Yet according to law professor Christopher Kutz, "disbarment proceedings and ‘serious professional ethical violations,’ such as knowingly giving bad advice, could also lead to Yoo’s firing." Boalt has a duty to assess John Yoo’s actions no matter how uncomfortable those findings may be.
This Friday, April 10, FIRE JOHN YOO and WORLD CAN’T WAIT will confront UC recalcitrance to do the right thing.