This letter was sent by Al Kesselheim, co-author with Dr. Susan Wicklund of This Common Secret: My Life as an Abortion Doctor. Sue opened a new clinic office February 2, saw three patients, and because it was a quiet opening, there were no protesters. It’s great and unfortunately way too unusual that she is opening a NEW clinic to do abortions…
Dear Friends of Susan Wicklund:
As most of you know, Susan Wicklund has been hard at work trying to open a women’s reproductive health clinic in the Bozeman/Livingston area. It has not been easy. It has taken several years. Deals have fallen through because word leaked out and landowners were intimidated by violent threats. Other potential arrangements have collapsed due to financial difficulties, political controversy, or simple logistics.
Despite the setbacks, Sue has persevered. On Monday, February 2nd, precisely sixteen years after she opened her Bozeman clinic, back in 1993, Mountain Country Women’s Clinic again opens its doors, this time in downtown Livingston. It is a moment of triumph and satisfaction, achieved with the support of many people. It is also a moment of tension. Not only has Susan incurred significant personal debt in a very uncertain economy, but the usual voices of dissent are echoing in letters to the editor and in anti-choice picketers appearing on Main Street in Livingston, protesting the existence of Sue’s legal services. Even before the doors opened, protesters walked the sidewalks outside. Also, even before the doors opened, women were calling Sue to make appointments.
The need for a compassionate, professional, and thorough women’s clinic is as great as ever. Unfortunately, the strident voices against choice rise up as expected. The difference between 1993 and 2009 is that Sue Wicklund has friends. All of you o n this mailing list, and many more friends and neighbors, support her cause. Many have volunteered in the past. Some have written letters of support. Others wish they knew how to help.
I propose to begin a Pledge-A-Picketer Campaign in support of Mountain Country Women’s Clinic. The concept is simple, and it mirrors the grassroots style of the Obama campaign, during which many small contributions created a huge impact. Each of us signs on to donate, say, $1/picketer to Susan’s clinic. If, over the period of a week, 17 picketers parade on Main Street, we each send a check for $17. It isn’t much, but if $17 gets multiplied by 50 people, it comes to $850. If 100 people send in checks, we raise $1,700.
Many of us wish to help Mountain Country Women’s Clinic. We wish we could confront the picketers face to face. Unfortunately, that sort of public disturbance is precisely what the anti-choice forces would love to foster. However, by turning their efforts against them we can help Mountain Country Women’s Clinic serve patients, and deflate the energy of the protesters.
Susan Wicklund has agreed to keep track of picketers during her first week of operation. At that point we will contact all of you again with the numbers, and an address to send the check to. Even if you can only pledge .25/picketer, the cumulative impact of our efforts will still be significant. Also, I urge you to forward this message to any of your friends who might help support Sue’s new clinic. If they would like to participate, they should contact and ask to be added to the list.
With Sincere Thanks, and In Solidarity,
Alan Kesselheim
Co-Author of “This Common Secret”