JANUARY 19/20 JOIN us in Washington
Are you thinking that no one will speak up for the interests of the people in stopping the wars & torture, and that we must be quiet about Obama’s invitation to Rick Warren, a leading homophobe being elevated to the status of a Billy Graham?
Are you thinking that if we protest against Obama’s escalation of the war in Afghanistan, no one will see us, or we will be challenged? That the only choice is to “go along?” World Can’t Wait will be there next week. JOIN US! If you can’t come along, send some funds our way for materials and transportation. You’ll get a full report on January 23!
World Can’t Wait organizers will be protesting in Washington on January 19 and 20. Bush may issue pardons on Jan 19 or 20, including possible blanket pardons covering torture. We will be in the news, and around the White House, to demand prosecutions. We want to be among the crowds with the message, “Stop the US war OF terror and torture…the world can’t wait!”
January 19 (Monday – MLK holiday)
11am SHOE BUSH rally/march. David Swanson, Debra Sweet, Adam Kokesh speaking at DuPont Circle. March to White House to demand Prosecute the War Criminals! http://shoebush.org/.
3pm Union Station DIE-in/theater protest. “End the occupations of Iraq & Afghanistan Now!”
January 20 (Tuesday – inaugural parade)
World Can’t Wait will join in the ARREST BUSH gathering along the parade route, joining with people demanding that Bush & Cheney be prosecuted, with signs saying “Stop the US War OF terror and torture…the world can’t wait!” and “NO Common Ground with Bigot Rick Warren!”
Join us!
Write me for details.
More from worldcantwait.org:
Ken Theisen, “Obama gives Number 2 job at Pentagon to Raytheon lobbyist!“
Barack Obama, who during his campaign promised to lessen the influence of lobbyists in Washington, chose William J. Lynn III as his deputy secretary of defense at the Pentagon. Lynn just happens to be a senior vice president in charge of lobbying with Raytheon. Raytheon in turn just happens to have billions of dollars in Pentagon contracts and is the maker of the Army’s Patriot Missile system and the Navy Tomahawk missile. Raytheon is also developing a global positioning satellite communication system for the Air Force. Lynn’s new post would involve him in the process of budgeting and acquisitions.
Here are posters you can use this weekend. Print black on orange paper:
1) GAZA_SHOE_poster can be printed by large format commercial copiers (36″ paper) and pasted onto existing 24×36″ posters. Or you can reproduce them in smaller sizes.
2) Guantanamo poster has the slogan “From Guantanamo to Gaza, Stop the US war OF terror and torture. The world can’t wait!”
3) Gaza signs. Are several signs in English against the US role in backing this war crime.
In Atlanta:
how can we prosecute them, and leave President Obama out of it///////////////