Neither candidate is progressive and is pandering to the lowest denominator. I don\’t want a \”pal\” in the White House or the Congress. I want people who are intelligent, honest and not afraid to tell the people that we are going to pay dearly for the inept \”leaders\” that unleashed corporations/lobbyists with deregulation, starting with Mr Reagan and right through to this disastrous administration. There can be no tax cuts until we bring all of our troops home and pay off our debts.
Neither candidate is progressive and is pandering to the lowest denominator. I don\’t want a \”pal\” in the White House or the Congress. I want people who are intelligent, honest and not afraid to tell the people that we are going to pay dearly for the inept \”leaders\” that unleashed corporations/lobbyists with deregulation, starting with Mr Reagan and right through to this disastrous administration. There can be no tax cuts until we bring all of our troops home and pay off our debts.