By Dennis Loo
Tuesday, August 26, the 2008 DNC’s
Keynote Address was by Gov. Mark Warner of Virginia, followed by Hillary
Rodham Clinton.
Squared jawed Warner declared that Bush’s
singular failing was (drum roll please) – Torture? War crimes? Crimes
against humanity? Mass murder in a war based on lies? Declaring the
White House above the law? Felonious spying on all of us? Threatening
the use of nukes in yet another unjust war? Runaway corruption and venality?
Theocracy? Katrina? Criminal failure to address global warming”?
No, no, no, a thousand times no.
Bush’s failing was (trumpets please)”
not tapping into the creativity and initiative of the American people!
Warner’s stirring words – better
he”d delivered this in a text message on one of the cell phones he
made his fortune in – were upstaged, if we are to believe the media
pundits, by Hillary.
Clinton revealed that this election cycle
was about “taking back America” and about the “future.” The
problem, she said, is that Bush and McCain are stuck in the past.
Funny thing about this past (and we should
add: present) – the Democrats are a major, indispensable part of that
past and present.
They have had the majority in Congress
since January 2007. They have been Senators – Clinton, Obama and Biden
included – lo all these years.
They have had the ability, the mandate,
and the legal and moral responsibility to end the occupation of Iraq,
shut down Guantanamo forthwith, put an immediate stop to the barbarity
of torture, restore habeas corpus, indict, impeach and imprison the
felons who”ve been openly spying on all of us, plundering the treasury,
bankrupting the government, and making a mockery of civil liberties
and the rule of law.
But, but, but, Pelosi claims: We”ve
not had enough votes.
No problem, Nancy.
Filibuster it. Hole it up in committee.
You”re the leaders of Congress. You have the power to do this. The
GOP did it when they had the majority.
Besides, since when did crimes against
humanity need bean counting to fight? Since when did infamous atrocities
need votes to end?
You won’t hear any of this from the
podium of the DNC. You won’t hear it from the mouth of CBS’s Katie
– “I’m glamorous, can’t you see?” – Couric.
These unpleasant and grotesque facts
no one in officious capacity will acknowledge or speak of.
Lewis Carroll’s Mad Hatter’s Party
is nothing compared to this tragi-comedy.
The Democrats” Donkey ought to be replaced
by an Ass Wearing Blinders.
Truth today in Denver is to be found
in the streets.
Only political struggle from the bottom up will stop the madness! It is worse than naive to expect the \”good cops\” (Democrats) to rein in the \”bad cops\” (Republicans)! They all work together to \”protect and serve\”……the empire…like Biden\’s and Clinton\’s straight-up support and yes, promotion of the all the lies about Iraq\’s WMD threat(someone should investigate and report how many times they used the term weapons of mass destruction).
It\’s not about whether they have the votes; it\’s rather that they too are complicit in all of it: from Iraq to rendition and torture, the \”Patriot Act\” and domestic surveillance (and probably some other crimes that we don\’t even know of yet) because their congressional sub-committees signed off on all of it.
The reason impeachment is off the table is because they are also guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity and moreover,they share fundamentally the same goal as the Republicans: America uber alles!…albeit with slightly more refined means within the overall division of labor in service of the empire (good cop\’s role is to disarm you and make you vulnerable to the bad cop\’s
cruder methods and visa versa).
thank you dennis.