The Rev. Gene Bridges, a supporter of World Can’t Wait, died in early
January in Honolulu, Hawaii. A retired Unitarian minister, Gene
painted his car with IMPEACH signs on all four sides where they
remained until his death. He also wore orange ribbons where ever he
went. When we asked him to join us while we held signs and banners
and leafleted downtown, he did and drove around the area honking so
people would see his car while a friend, also a senior citizen, passed
out orange ribbons from the passenger side.
Gene was a lifelong fighter for social justice. He marched in Selma
with Martin Luther King, Jr., he protested against both the Vietnam
War and the Iraq War He turned his church into a sancuary for AWOL
GIs. He was also an attorney and, even though he was White he joined
the local Black Lawyers Association and fibbed easily whenever he
heard a person say racist things, “My grandmother is Black, or Latino”
or whatever group was being dissed. He was a unique man and we will
greatly miss him.