By Kenneth J. Theisen
On December 12, 2007 the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives passed legislation 370-49 enabling the Bush regime to carry on its current wars and maybe to start a couple news ones too. The defense policy bill was approved authorizing expenditures of $696 billion on military programs. This included $189 billion for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. The bill covers the current budget year, and while it does not directly give money to the Department of Defense, it is a policy measure meant to provide guidance to appropriations legislation.
The Senate is expected to pass the bill as well and make a holiday gift
to President Bush when he signs it. Democrats in Congress “agonized”
over the legislation as they voted to fund the military while
pretending to oppose the Bush wars. It is not easy to speak out of both
sides of your mouth at the same time. But the Democrats have become
quite adept at doing so.
There is not yet a deal as to how the current wars will be funded over
the next period, but no Congressional leaders are even considering
cutting off funding for the wars. That is “off the table” according to
leading Democrats.
And while Congress is voting to waste nearly $700 billion on war, the
White House is actively fighting spending on social programs such as
health insurance for children, housing and legal services for the poor,
cancer research, increases in education funding, etc. And the
Democrats are busily figuring out how to go along with the regime
without looking like they caved in to it.
How much longer can we put up with a regime that cares nothing for the
people, launches wars across the world, commits horrendous crimes in
our names, and then is repeatedly backed by Congress?