Madison Declares It Now!
World Can’t Wait
Drive OUT the Bush Regime!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
3:00 to 6:00 p.m.
The Dardanelles Restaurant
1851 Monroe Street
Madison, Wisconsin
Tickets: $25 per Person ~ Two for $40
An Enlightening, Entertaining & Informative Afternoon
Featuring Debra Sweet
Executive Director of World Can’t Wait
& Special Showing of
“Crimes Against Humanity: the Bush Record”
~ Refreshments will be Served ~~
~ Silent Auction ~ Raffles ~ Door Prizes ~ Cash Bar ~
All Proceeds Benefit
World Can’t Wait – Drive out the Bush Regime
Host Committee:
Carole & Alan Bendtsen; Buzz & Kay Davis, Lisa Fernandez, Annie Laurie Gaylor & Dan Barker, David & Nancy Giffey; Bill Keys, Judith Klehr, Ginny & John Kruse, Midge Miller, Ron & Kathy Rotter, Jean & Charles Sweet
Make a reservation to attend the event:
Can’t attend but would like to support World Can’t Wait’s first-time presence in Madison, Wisconsin with a donation? Make a donation here.
Can’t attend but would like to know how you can help? Email us with your name, phone number, and comments.