by Larry Jones
With David Horowitz’s “Islamo Fascist Awareness Week” beginning October 22, it is extremely important for people to understand that Horowitz is actually a far right wing fascist using deceptive liberal language to sound like he is an anti-fascist.
If you want to know what the real fascists in America are like, take a look at the Texas Republican platform written by extreme conservative Christians, who require all Texas party candidates who want GOP financial support to sign on. The Texas Republican Party has been the spawning ground for powerful figures such as Tom DeLay, Karl Rove, and of course Bushes I and II, and its platform is extremely influential throughout the entire Republican Party. These Christians (often, and accurately, referred to as Christian fascists) have created a platform that is a blueprint for Dominionism – the belief that their version of God should have dominion (i.e. domination) over the entire nation, with them carrying out their God’s frightening program.
And it dovetails perfectly with the Bush regime’s vision. Horowitz has defended these Christian Dominionists, although his favorite “religious” cause is a rabid support for Israel and its government’s own fascist attacks on Palestinians carried out with weaponry provided by the United States.
What do the Texas Republicans and other Dominionists believe? They call for instituting Biblical law, particularly as found in a literal interpretation of the Old Testament. None of that “love your neighbor” stuff that Jesus talked about. They would literally stone to death homosexuals and women caught in adultery. No punishment for adulterous men. But like all Christian fascists, they denounce all gays and lesbians and call for a Constitutional amendment to ban same sex marriages.
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Biblical law is thoroughly patriarchal and woman’s role is to have babies and tend to the home. This is also Horowitz’s position, even though he deceitfully claims to be working for women’s liberation. The Texas GOP and other such Dominionists call for the abolition of federal agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency, and Health and Human Services. Matters of the environment should be handled by private property owners, they say there should be no Endangered Species Act, and they state that “We oppose passage of any international treaty that overrides United States sovereignty including the Kyoto Treaty [against global warming] and the Biodiversity Treaty.”
The poor should be “taken care of” solely by the churches, Dominionists say. Bush’s “faith-based” initiative is a major step toward eliminating any government aid to the oppressed. They would also abolish the National Endowment for the Arts and the Public Broadcasting System. Separation of church and state? Forget it! The platform says: “our party pledges to exert its influence to ” dispel the myth of the separation of church and state”and affirms the United States of America as a Christian nation.”
As for education they would eliminate the Department of Education, institute abstinence only sex education and eliminate all multicultural or bilingual education. Do they or Horowitz sound like fascist fighters when they work so hard to uphold what Hitler called “the Aryan race?”
They believe that churches, especially their brand, should be free to speak on government property without government interference and to engage in a wider array of political promotion. But, like David Horowitz, they would like to limit the free speech of the rest of us. In fact, Horowitz’s goal in his “Islamo Fascist Awareness Week” is to brand as a terrorist anyone who does not literally sign on to his program.
The Texas Republican Party produced George W. Bush, Karl Rove and the now-disgraced Tom DeLay. Its influence on a national scale is not only far out of reasonable proportion, it is also very frightening and should give us all one more reason to DRIVE OUT THE BUSH REGIME NOW!!