If you’re opposed to Bush’s program of war, torture, theocracy and the gutting of civil liberties, Declare It Now – Wear Orange and Spread Orange!
Imagine 3 million people in the U.S. wearing orange, the color of resistance, as they go about their daily lives – at work, in restaurants, on trains. Imagine the effect that would have on the political climate and political discourse.
World Can’t Wait, Drive Out the Bush Regime is spreading orange. We are taking the responsibility of ensuring that the resistance movement spreads beyond the limitations of the usual suspects and those who regularly show up to demonstrate their anger. If, as the polls indicate, over 60% of the population opposes the Bush Administration, then it’s our job to turn that opposition into a visible force.
World Can’t Wait realizes that the only way to fully repudiate the Bush agenda is by driving Bush and Cheney out of the White House. We realize that the course set in motion by them will not be reversed through the 2008 elections.
Millions must be offered a way of resisting. Through the wearing of orange and the spreading of orange, we are offering a way for people to demonstrate their resistance and mobilize others to do the same.
Through the strategy of DIN 333 each person that demonstrates their resistance through wearing orange finds 3 other people that will do the same and they organize 3 more and so on. This method of organizing creates networks of people that will build political relationships. These relationship networks can be used to spread this movement broadly and very rapidly as well as providing a locus of people to gather together and forge a deeper understanding of all that the Bush regime represents.
Adopting and implementing the 333 Plan represents a challenging step up in shifting our emphasis explicitly from mainly organizers of actions into ORGANIZERS OF PEOPLE. 333 puts the responsibility of expanding the ranks of the politically active into our hands and into the hands of the people we win to taking this up themselves.
There are literally tens of millions of people out there right now who DESPISE what Bush and Cheney are doing and are looking for a way to do something that makes a difference. DIN and 333 offer that way. DIN calls on people to be tribunes of the people in their daily lives – a magnet for another path and a moral beacon. With 333 we are winning people to making this a real, living, geometrically growing movement. We cannot continue to do our work adequately and we cannot win the fight to DOBR unless the ranks of the movement expand dramatically. 333 makes this concrete and makes it possible.
Begin using DIN 333 now. Begin calling your friends and contacts. The World Can’t Wait!
Remember, as you go out to events and demonstrations and as you do follow-up with people in phone banking or in person, each person that takes a bandana or ribbon is someone that could take out three more to their friends. People want to do something; you can offer them that something. Wear Orange – Spread Orange! Build the resistance and drive out the Bush regime.