It’s not too late to be part making plans, and making history. At this decisive moment, when the world – perhaps — will be thrown another war from the Bush regime, World Can’t Wait chapter representatives from around the country will be taking a hard look at the regime’s program, taking the pulse of the people. And, especially, we”ll be planning to rapidly influence students and youth to join in and spark the orange upsurge of resistance.
Thousands of people are following developments, looking to World Can’t wait, and hoping we are right in saying the Bush regime can be driven out by a mass, independent, movement. If you want to see that, this is the time to be involved. If you can’t come to this meeting, why don’t you send some travel money for the high schools and college students coming? Donate here . We’ll be sending a report next week. But YOU need to be here.
Saturday October 6: John Jay College, 444 W. 59th Street (near 10th Avenue) Manhattan
Registration 9 am
Opening Plenary 10 am
Lunch break 1pm
Session over 6 pm
Sat evening, downtown Speak-Out/Poetry led by the youth of World Can’t Wait
Outreach to movie lines, clubs, parks, and bars…
Sunday, October 7, 6th St. Community Center,638 E. 6th Street on the Lower East Side of Manhattan
10am-5pmCall 866 973 4463 for more info and to register.